winter morning
A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through it. The cow and other animals cannot come out. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing, and getting ready to go their workplace. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious ands wheat cakes, date juice and many other foods. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.
A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through it. The cow and other animals cannot come out. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing, and getting ready to go their workplace. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious ands wheat cakes, date juice and many other foods. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.
Tree plantation
Trees are very useful for men in various important ways. They provide us wood and many products. They give us shade. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us floods and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise of temperature. They give us oxygen. They prevent the rise of carbon dioxide worldwide. Tree gives us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save our house from cyclone. Trees protect us from the heat of sun. Many trees give us fruits. Tree helps to cause rain. Tree gives shelter to birds and animal. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
Our national flag
National Flag Is A piece Of
Fabric With A Special Colored Design Used As The Token Of A Particular Country.
It Is The Symbol Of Independence Of A Nation. Every Nation Of The Worlds Has
Proportion Of Its Length And Breadth Is 10:6. Our National Flag Is A Piece Of
Rectangular Green Cloth With A Round Read Dislike Patch In The Middle. The
Radius Of The Red Circle Is One-Fifth Of The Length Of The Flag. The
Green Color Represents The Admirations Of Youthful Vigor As Well As Well
As The Green Field And The Ever Green Subtropical Forest
Of Bangladesh. The Red Circle Symbolizes the Rising Sun with New
Hopes and Aspiration of Nation. The Flag Is Hoisted Everyday On Top Of Our
Important Government Buildings and Educational Institutions. It Is Hosted
Everywhere On the Independence Day and the Victory Day. It Is Kept Half Mast
during The Nations Mourning Says. Our Nationals Flag Always Inspires
Us To Dedicate Our Lives For The Greater Interest Of The Country. We Can Uphold
Its Honor By Doing Our Duty To The Nation.
Corruption in Bangladesh
Corruption Means Adopting
Unfair Means To Achieve Something Vexing Devoid Of Morality And By Defying The
Rules And Regulations Of A Country. At Present, Corruption Has Become One
of the Moss T Alarming Problems in Bangladesh. There Are A Number Of
Causes Behind Corruption. Underplays Of Salary, Political Instabilities
Etc. Have Led To The Expansion Of Corruption. In Bangladesh, Corruption
Has Enlarged Its Paw In Administrative, Commercial And Political
Sectors. The Most Usual Form Of Corrupt Ion Is Braver. However There Are Other
Fust Usual Form Of Corruption Too, Such As Nepal Distribution Of Government
Funds, Nepotism In Public Services Etc. Corruption Lames A Nation. Economic
Disparity Amongst People Becomes Acute And The Chances For Foreign
Investments Are Minimized. Therefore, It Is Time For Us To Halt And
Prevent Corruption. Anti-Corruption. Besides It Is Necessary To Upgrade To
Morality And Human Values Of The People. Media Can Also Take A Strong Stand
Against Corruption. In Addition, Good Government Of Legal Rules Can Ensure
Prevention Of Corruption. Finally, All Of Us Must Raise A Campaign To Combat
Bribery And Corruption For A Better And Corruption Free Bangladesh.
Tree Plantation
Tree and plants are very useful to us. They are the gifts of Nature. Trees gives us food, furniture, paper, medicine, clothes, fire-wood etc. They also give us shade, shelter and oxygen. Birds live on fruits and vegetables. In Bangladesh we have no sufficient trees as we need.
We cannot do even for a day without trees and plants.
In a world, trees are our best friend. So, we should take care of their plantation. "Tree Plantation" will have to be made a social movement.
Early Rising
The meaning
of early rising is the habit of getting up
from bed early in the morning. This
habit is very useful to a man in various ways. If anybody wishes to enjoy the
charms of the morning and enjoy a sound mind in a sound body he must get up early in the morning. Regarding it there is an English
"Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
Really this proverb is correct. The man who rises early in the morning air refreshes both his mind and body. This certainly improves his healthy and gives him energy for the day's toil and moil.
This habit also in ables a man to begin his day's work early.
He gets plenty of time to perform his duties and hence he becomes wealthy. The habit gives him an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature. The natural beauties stimulate his feelings. He is inspired to think over wonderful creation of Allah. This makes him wise. So, we should form the habit of early rising for the happiness and prosperity of our life.
"Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
Really this proverb is correct. The man who rises early in the morning air refreshes both his mind and body. This certainly improves his healthy and gives him energy for the day's toil and moil.
This habit also in ables a man to begin his day's work early.
He gets plenty of time to perform his duties and hence he becomes wealthy. The habit gives him an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature. The natural beauties stimulate his feelings. He is inspired to think over wonderful creation of Allah. This makes him wise. So, we should form the habit of early rising for the happiness and prosperity of our life.
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a
such kind of rain which contains harmful chemicals. But in severely
polluted areas, rain can be as acidic as the acids of lemon juice or vinegar.
This rain, which is very acidic, can cause damage to trees, lakes,
wild life, building and human health.
Breathing in chemicals can harm people. It causes chest illness. When acid rain causes the release of chemicals and metals into drinking water, it pollutes the water. That is how acid rain affects drinking water.
Fading of the colors of the glass is a common result of the acid rain. In the last thirty years some 1000 years old stained glass windows have been damaged by acid rain. The damage of Tazmahal indicates that acid pollution is occurring in the developing world.
Breathing in chemicals can harm people. It causes chest illness. When acid rain causes the release of chemicals and metals into drinking water, it pollutes the water. That is how acid rain affects drinking water.
Fading of the colors of the glass is a common result of the acid rain. In the last thirty years some 1000 years old stained glass windows have been damaged by acid rain. The damage of Tazmahal indicates that acid pollution is occurring in the developing world.
Air Pollution
The world is
producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste each
year and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable locations to
get rid of all the refuse. The disposal of various lines of waste is seriously
polluting the environment.
We know that air is an important element of our environment and air is polluted by smoke. Man makes fires to cool done, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things.
Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and power-housed create smoke by burning coal and oil.
Mills and factories also belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. There to emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air.
We know that air is an important element of our environment and air is polluted by smoke. Man makes fires to cool done, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things.
Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and power-housed create smoke by burning coal and oil.
Mills and factories also belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. There to emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air.
A Moonlit Night
A moonlit night
is really pleasing. It gives a nice view. The moon shines in the cloudless sky
with all her gleams. She looks like a glossy dish of silver. The sparkling
stars twinkle around the moon and make her more beautiful.
The sky looks like a canopy beautified with the shining moon and glittering stars. The moon washes the whole world with her silvery light. Everything appears to be coated with silver, rivers, canals and roofs seen to smile in the splendid moon beam.
The trees and creepers look bright and sparkling.
A moonlit might in the rural areas of Bangladesh really offers a beautiful sight. Dazzling light removes the gloom of the night. It offers a sight that cheers the mind and leaves a deep impression on it.
The sky looks like a canopy beautified with the shining moon and glittering stars. The moon washes the whole world with her silvery light. Everything appears to be coated with silver, rivers, canals and roofs seen to smile in the splendid moon beam.
The trees and creepers look bright and sparkling.
A moonlit might in the rural areas of Bangladesh really offers a beautiful sight. Dazzling light removes the gloom of the night. It offers a sight that cheers the mind and leaves a deep impression on it.
A book fair
Book is our
friend. When new books are published, they need to ad sent to the readers. So
book fairs are arranged to display new books as well as to create
demands for them. A book fair has become very popular.
A book fair was held in the month of December last year in the premises of Bangla Academy. More them hundred of pavilions were set up. All sorts of books, text books, francs, fictions, children books, religious books, reference books were displayed.
The stalls were decorated beautifully to draw the attention of the readers. A book fair becomes crowded specially in the evening. A book fair spreads the message viet books are our best friend and it makes our life glorious.
A book fair was held in the month of December last year in the premises of Bangla Academy. More them hundred of pavilions were set up. All sorts of books, text books, francs, fictions, children books, religious books, reference books were displayed.
The stalls were decorated beautifully to draw the attention of the readers. A book fair becomes crowded specially in the evening. A book fair spreads the message viet books are our best friend and it makes our life glorious.
A Good Teacher
Mr. Amzad
Hossain is our English teacher. He is about 30 years old. He is a brilliant
scholar and has a very good command of English. His pronunciation in
English is good and he speaks English with foreign accent. He has a lot of
He is very gentle and well-behaved. He is never rude to his pupils. He is also considerate and co-operative. He helps his students when they face any problem. He helps them even outside the classroom. His technique of teaching is highly impressive.
In his class he creates an English environment. It helps us hear English, and think and interact in English. He makes his lesson easy and interesting.
He keeps his students active and keen to learn. He also makes them confident and proves them clever. Above all, he is sincere, punctual, honest and amiable. I an greatly impressed by his towering personality, efficiency and affection for his students. I like him most, and a teacher like Mr. Amzad Hossain is very rare indeed.
He is very gentle and well-behaved. He is never rude to his pupils. He is also considerate and co-operative. He helps his students when they face any problem. He helps them even outside the classroom. His technique of teaching is highly impressive.
In his class he creates an English environment. It helps us hear English, and think and interact in English. He makes his lesson easy and interesting.
He keeps his students active and keen to learn. He also makes them confident and proves them clever. Above all, he is sincere, punctual, honest and amiable. I an greatly impressed by his towering personality, efficiency and affection for his students. I like him most, and a teacher like Mr. Amzad Hossain is very rare indeed.
My Favorite Teacher
A Teacher Is
Indispensable For Any Educational Institution. I Have Come Across Many
Teachers In My Student Life. Of Them Mr. Abdul Martin Is My Favorite Teacher.
He Is An English Teacher. He Is A Man Of Letters With Profound Knowledge
In English Literature and Language. His Teaching Style Is Very
Attractive And Effective. When He Adopts Communicative Method In
Classroom And Makes Us Share Our Emotions And Feelings With Him. He Makes
Lessons Interesting. Eh Maintains Amiable Relation With All Students. He Is
Very Sincere Punctual and Honest. Whenever He Comes Before Us, Our Heads Bow
Down In Respect. He Always Encourages Us To Learn New Things. After All He Is
No Doubt, An Ideal Teacher. Because Of All His Extraordinary Qualities, He Is
My Favorite Teacher.
My Visit to A Place of Historical Interest
Man Is Not
Satisfied With What He Has Seen And Known. So As A Student, I Have A Keen
Interest To Know The Historical Places Of My Country. During The
Last Autumn Vacation, I Got an Opportunity to Visit Bagerhat, A Great
Historical Place. The Important Spots Of Bangerhat Are “The Mazar Of Khan Jahan
Ali”, The Dighi Of “Khan Jahan-Ali”, The Shatgambuj Mosque, And “The Ghora
Dighi”. The Mazar Of Khan Jahan Ali Is A Fine One Storeyed Building Where He
Was Buried. On The Night Of Full Moon Of The Month Chaitra, A Big Fair Is Held
Beside The Mazar. The Dighi Of Khan Jahan Ali Is In Front Of The Mazar. It Is A
Big Tank. There Are Some Crocodiles In This Big Tank. I Also Visited
The Shatgambuj Kmosque. The Mosque Is Beautifully Decorated. The
Ghora Dighi Is Also Big. It Is Near The Shatgambuj Mosque. Bagerhat Ais
Really A Place Of Historical Interest. I Left Bagerhat But the Memory
Still Haunts My Mind.
A street beggar
Begging is not
an employment. It is a curse to any country. A street-beggar is a familiar
figure in towns and cities. He is usually seen to beg sitting or standing by
the roadsides, railway stations or bus stands. A street beggar may be
either male or female. He is young or old, weak or strong. Blind and lame
beggar is also seen there. A street beggar looks strange with dirty and torn
cloths. A street beggar has his own way of life and mode of approaching for
alms. He tries his best to draw the sympathy of the passers-by with his
peculiar voice. Someone takes pity on him and gives a coin or two and go on his
way. Again, someone becomes disgusted with his loud shouts and avoids him. A
street beggar usually gets a small amount and finds it hard to support himself
and his family. In fact, he leads a hard and miserable life.
Computer is a
fairly recent invention. It has brought about a revolutionary changes in our
life. It is an electronic device that can perform mathematical calculations and
process large masses of information at a great speed. It can make thousand
of calculations in a moment. It can also store in its memory millions
of facts and figures. It can not only solve
complex mathematical problems quickly and accurately but also perform
many operations at once and at the same time without any confusion. Nowadays
computer helps to diagnose a disease. Computer is of great use to us also in
the field of agriculture and business. It has lessened our work loads and made
our life easy and comfortable.
Environment Pollution
Environment is
the most important factor of our life. Fresh environment is the precondition of
our sound life. But the environment we live in is not fresh. It is polluted.
The three factors of our environment water, air and sound are polluted for many
reasons. Air is polluted mainly by the smoke that comes out from the chimneys
of the factories and from motor cars, buses etc. Water is polluted by
chemicals, insecticides, waste material of mills and factories, fuel oil, food
waste and human waste etc. Which are thrown into water and mixed with it sound
pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of hydraulic horn and loud speaker
leads to deafness and creates many other health problems. Thus environment
pollution threatens man with life causing a lot of harms. We should not allow
this situation to continue. Positive steps should be taken to prevent environment
A Rainy Day
If it so
happens that it rains all day long, we call it a rainy day. In
such a day, the sky remains cloudy. The sun is not seen at all. The day
looks dull and gloomy. Sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes it drizzles.
Often there are flashes of lighting and roads of thunder in the sky. Birds are
hardly seen to fly and cattle keep standing on their sides. In such a day, fork
have to remain indoors. They cannot note from one place to another easily. The
roads become almost muddy and desolate. The poor suffer very much. They cannot
in out to farm their daily bread. It is a day of great low to the students
because classes are not held Viet day. Some people also spend the day in
inspiring, playing at cards, singing or hearing songs. After all, a rainy
day gives up both joy and sorrow. It comes to different classes of people
in different ways.
Newspaper reading
Yes, I have a
habituated in reading newspapers. I think it is necessary to read newspapers
because reading newspapers, we can know about various lines of news and the
current world. He i don't read newspapers i won't be able to know the
important news of the world. I read specially daily newspapers. I
prefer reading family dailies to Bengali ones. It is needless to say that
reading newspapers enriches one's knowledge. A newspaper is called
the store house of knowledge. It contains the news of the happenings
all over the world that makes us conscious. A newspaper publisher the news of
various sectors of life. It focuses on politics, economics, business,
hands and sports, culture, literature, natural disasters and
accidents etc. As i read newspapers i become aware of all there things. So
reading newspapers is of great importance.
Population problem
Bangladesh is
an underdeveloped country. She in facing many problems. Population problem is
the main problem and it seems to be the root of all problems. The population of
our country is increasing day by day. Her population is too much in comparison
with her total area. The increasing population creates pressure everywhere in
our society. Our land is limited. So our done production is not being
increased. As a result we are to import cross from
foreign countries which creates an extra pressure upon our economy.
The increasing people need houses, schools, colleges etc. Our land is getting
decreased to build up there things. Illiteracy is the main cause of our
population problem. Illiterate people are not aware of the problems of over
population. Population growth is to be checked by adopting
family planning. We should control the population growth to save
the nation.
Water pollution
Water is a
vital element of our environment. Another name of water is life. We
cannot think of our life even for a single moment without water. This water
can be polluted in many ways. Men pollute water by throwing waste into it.
Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their
fields. When pain and floods wash away some of there chemicals they get mixed
with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their
poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and
thus pollute water. Water vehicles also pollute rivers by dumping oil, done
waste and human waste into them. Insanitary labroids and unsafe drains standing
on river and canal banks are also responsible for further pollution. We
should take necessary steps as early as possible to keep our water
pollution free. Otherwise, we must duff a lot in future.
Female education
Education means
training a person both mentally and morally. It changes all mental
faculties of human beings into a harmonious one. So education should be
universal. In this sense women should be educated by all means. But there are
some people in the society who have prejudice against female education. They
argue that women should be confined to the kitchen only. Their only
duty is to rear up the children, perform the household duties and to look after
the make members of the family. But they should realise that every women is essentially a
mother. The future of a child depends on how he is taught by his mother in
childhood. An educated mother can give an educated nation, an educated women
can take social responsibilities. An educated wife can work as a right hand of
her husband. So female education is necessary for any nation from every point
of views.
Necessity of learning English
For its global
utility, english has been recognised as the international language. Statistics
show that about 350 million people speak english as a first language
and another 300 million people use it as a second language. It is the official
or semi-official language in more them 60 countries. It is also the official
language of almost all the international organisations. In our country, all the
government officer and business farm have to communicate with other countries
and in that case english is the language of their communication. So english is
necessary for the people of may occupation. All the books and periodicals of
higher education are written in english. So to get
higher education. English is a must. A businessman has to communicate with
other countries in english. In this way a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer should
have knowledge in english.
Internet is a
new device for speedy transmission of nation, news, feelings, etc. In the
process ofcomputer network. Internet is now regarded as a milestone in the
modern world of computers. Internet is practically a network of all networks.
In Bangladesh internet opened a new dimension in nun communication system.
Our T & T board has already introduced VSAT in our country. As a result,
telephone line through wires will on more be required. Now cellular telephone
is being used. The use of internet in our country still remains costly. It is
hoped that our government will take all possible steps to make up beneficiary
of this wonderful system in a very short time.
E-mail is
abbreviated form of electronic mail. It is the communication of textual
message via electronic means. Although telex communication is electronic in
nature there are differences between telex and e-mail. Telex communication is
terminal to terminal, while electronic mail communication is
user-to-user via the computer. In order to operate an e-mail system we need a personal
computer, a modem and a telephone connection. Important advantage of
E-mail is its ability to reduce the consumption of paper in th office. Internal
memos and reports can be exchanged electronically without using paper.
A rickshaw puller
A rickshaw
puller is a common feature of every city. Nowadays rickshaw puller is
seen in the villages. He pulls the rickshaw and carrier passengers
from one place to another of a little distance mainly. Except a few
most of the rickshaw pulled are illiterate. They do not know the
traffic rules of city. As a result they pull the rickshaw violating the rules
and cause traffic Jan in the big cities. In Dhaka city the main cause of
traffic jam is rickshaw. The income of a rickshaw pulles is very low
and for this they do not get proper done and nutrition. Most of them suffer
from malnutrition. They live in the slump in a very unhygienic
environment. Their physical condition is not good. Diseases
like bronchitis asthmathroatiness and rheumatoid arthritis are very prevalent
among the rickshaw pullers. As a result the life span of a
rickshaw pulled is five years less than any other type of laborious.
A phalanges puller has to endure a lot of physical cause on the roads.
The people i like best
There are
people of different tastes and manners around of. But i do not like everyone
because of different reasons. I like those people who are well-behaved, honest,
hard-working, tolerant and rational.g like there posts of people because they
do not think ill of others and they work not only for themselves but also for
others. I like an honest man because honesty is a spect virtue and
nobody is cheated by an honest man. The man, who is tolerant in time of danger
and who does not lord temper when somebody tries to infuriate him, is loved by
all. I also possess those qualities which make a man worthy of respect to
others. There are times when i become angry. Though i become angry i do not
lord my temper. It seems to of that many people of our locality like of for my
good behavior.
Natural disasters in Bangladesh
Due to its
geographical location Bangladesh is proof to natural disasters.
There disasters are cyclone, tidal cords and flood. I experienced a
cyclone in 1991. Them i was a child. The wind was blowing so strongly that our
house was shivering severely. We were afraid that our house might be fallen.
However, the house did not collapse but we could not sleep that might in dear.
In the morning people came out of their houses anxiously. Many houses were
damaged and many trees were uprooted. During that cyclone many cattle died
under collapsed houses. Many people were killed at different places and many
were lost. A lot of educational institutions were damaged. The
cyclone caused untold sufferings to people.
Exam strategy
strategy means examination skill. When examination approaches, students begin
to plan because 50 chances of
success rely on examination skill rather than subject knowledge. A student
should check and double-check the examination schedule and he should also check
what he is allowed or not allowed to take in with him the day before exam.
Budgeting time and avoiding elaborate answers unnecessary are also part of our
exam strategies after getting the questions paper, he should read it carefully.
It is better to read through the whole question paper before starting to
write. It is again useful
to spend time at least five minutes each question thinking about and planning
answers. At first glance the questions may seem difficult, but it becomes
gradually easier. A student should attempt all the questions to get good marks.
It is also useful to underline the key words in the questions to help the
examiner to know what he is required to do. He should also check back to make
sure whether he is writing what he should write. He should always remember that
his handwriting should be clear and legible. If one follows the exam tips on
the exam day, he or she wins his or her chances of success.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa,
a dedicated soul for mankind was born on august 26, 1920 at Scopze in
Macedonia. She was the third of her father's three children. His father was an
Albanian builder. At eighteen she decided to become a nun. She joined the order
of the sister's of our lady Loreto in Ireland. In 1928 she came to India
and thereby she became an Indian citizen. Thus though she was Albanian by
chance, she became a Indian by choice. She started her life in Kolkata as a
teacher in Kolkata girls school in 1931, but soon the mother in her, cried
for the sufferings of the poor and the down-trodden. By thir
time Mother Teresa was moved to see the epidemic that spread in the
streets of Kolkata. She founded a home for the poor named "Nirmal
Hriday" at Kalighat which became the shelter of the sufferers. She started
an orphanage in 1953. In 1957 she and her missionaries of charity began to
work with the lepers. Their activities have now been spread all over
the world. In 1973 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for
peace. Mother Teresa died in September 5, 1997. She will be
remembered for her Divine love for the children and the Dying Destitute.
Lake Baikal
Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient
lakes of the world. It is situated almost in the centre of
Asia. Lake Baikal is a gigantic bowl set 445 meter above sea
level. The lake covers 31,500 square km. It is 636 km long and an average
of 48 km wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water
basin occupies 557000 square km. and contains 23000 cu. km. (cubic kilometer)
of water, which is about one fifth of the world's reserve fresh surface water.
The average water level in the lake is never higher than 456m. The
average depth of Lake Baikal is 730 m. and its maximum depth in
the middle is 1.620 m. There are hot springs in the surrounding area
of Lake Baikal. The quality of the water of these springs is
excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio-filter
producing this water. Baikal is a stormy lake. Autumn is the most stormy
time. The wind blows from various directions. The weather depends on the wind.
If it is blowing from the north, the weather is bright and sunny. The water
of the lake looks green and dark blue. But if the winds get stronger,
Baikal turns black, waves rising high with white crest. The beauty of Lake
Baikal is exceptional.
The 21st February Or, International Mother Language Day
The 21st
February Is A Red-Letter Day In Our National Life. On This Day in
1992, the Brave Son in Our National Life. One This Day In
1992, The Brave Sons Of Our Motherland Laid Down Their Lives To
Protect The Interest Of Our Mother Tongue. Since Then We Have Been
Observing This Day As “Shheed Day”. But In 1999, Unesco
Declared This Day As “International Mother Language Day”. This
Declaration Has Turned A National Celebration Into An International Event. We
Used To Celebrate The Day At Our National Level Because It Was Not Only
Important Regarding Our Mother Tongue. Rather, The Day Had Greatly
Influenced All The struggles Of The People To Establish Legal Rights Including
Our Liberation War. But With The Deflation Of The UNESCO, A New
Dimension Has Been Added To The Day. The Teaching O The Day Is That We All
Should Respect The Mother Languages Of Others. Out Mother Language Is Our
Unique Poseidon. In The Same Way, Other Peoples Mother Languages Are Also
Priceless To Them. In Broader Sense, the Day Teaches Us to Have Respect for
Other People’s Rights. On This Day, Everybody Wakes Early And Crowds
Before The Martyrs Monument Barefooted Just To Offer Their Profound Respect To
The Martyrs. They Offer Flowers And Wreaths On The Altar. The Government And
Different Organizations Arrange Programmers To Celebrate The Day. All The
States Under UN Also Celebrate The Day Every Year.
Our School Magazine
We have a
school magazine. The title of our magazine is” the light of dawn”. It
is publishes once in a year. Its get up is very nice. At first a
magazine committee is formed in a general meeting for the publication of the
magazine. The headmaster of the school is the president of the committee. He
inspires us to submit our writings. An English teacher is the adviser. The
other members of the committee help him for the publication of the magazine.
The magazine contains essays, poems, stories, features etc. Both in English
and Bengali. It also contains the message of the headmaster. Mainly students write
for the massage of the headmaster. Mainly students write for the
magazine. Some teachers write also for it. All the students and the
members of the committee do their best duties properly for the publication of a
good magazine. It helps us to know more about literature.
Our National
National Flag Is Apiece Of Fabric With A Special Colored Design Used As
The Token Of A Particular Country. It Is The Symbol Of Independence Of A
Nation. Every Nation Of The Worlds Has Proportion Of Its Length And Breadth Is
10:6. Our National Flag Is A Piece Of Rectangular Green Cloth With A Round Read
Dislike Patch In The Middle. The Radius Of The Red Circle Is
One-Fifth Of The Length Of The Flag. The Green Color Represents The Admirations
Of Youthful Vigor As Well As Well As The Green FieldAnd The Ever
Green Subtropical Forest Of Bangladesh. The Red
Circle Symbolizes the Rising Sun with New Hopes and Aspiration of Nation.
The Flag Is Hoisted Everyday On Top Of Our Important Government Buildings
and Educational Institutions. It Is Hosted Everywhere On the Independence
Day and the Victory Day. It Is Kept Half Mast during The
Nations Mourning Says. Our Nationals Flag Always Inspires Us To
Dedicate Our Lives For The Greater Interest Of The Country. We Can Uphold Its
Honor By Doing Our Duty To The Nation.
The international mother language day
The mother
language day, which has been declared to be observed internationally, is called
the international mother language day. The 21st February is our national mother
language day. The then Pakistani rulers conspired to impose Urdu on
the Bangladesh as national language instead of Bangla. “Urdu and
Urdu shall be the state language of Pakistan”-was their declaration. But our
heroic sons against their unlawful decision and shed a gulf of blood on the
21st February of 1952 to establish bangle as mother language. Since then this
day is being observed as the “Shahid Dibas” in our country. Now this day has
got recognition as the “international mother language day” by UNESCO. Every
year this day is observed with due honor and solemnity. Black badge are worn to
mourn the day. Meetings and seminars are held focusing on the high lights of
the day. Specially prayers are also held for the salvation of the
martyrs souls. The day is a public holiday.
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone Is
A Wonderful Invention Of Information Technology. It Is Such A Cordless Phone By
While We Can Communicate And Talk To Others In The Shortest Possible Time.
Before Mobile Phone Was Invented, Communication And Messaging See Stem Was Very
Hard. But Mobile Phone Has Now Lessened the Of the World. Everyone Can Vera It
With Him Because Of Its Small Size. Of, We Can Communicate With A
Person And Have Him at Once In A Crying Need By Means Of It. Thus, It Has
Turned The World Into A Globes Village. It Is A Pragmatic And Interesting
Matter That Nowadays Messaging And Interne System Have Been Included It In. All
These Factors Have Made It Popular Among The Users. Though It Was a Sing of
Aristocracy in the Past, NOW It is found in everyone’s Hand in out Country.
Grameen Phone, Citycell, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk And Airtel Provide Us With
Mobile Phone Services. However, Withal The Merits, A Mobile Phone Has Some
Demerits Too. Ti Is Injurious To Our Health. It Harms Our Brain When We Told
through It. The Excessive Use Of Mobile Phone Often Causes Fatal
Diseases Like Brain Tamer, Cancer Etc. So, We Should Be Conscious Of Using
It. But Yet, We Can Say That It Has Made Our Life Easeful And Moving. Though It
Ha Some Demerits, It Is Truly A Blessing for Outer Civilization.
The Necessity of Learning English
English Is and
International Language. No Nation Can Do Without It Today. A Pilot Or A
Stewardess Know English. Also A Person Woo Likes To Get A Job
In A Foreign Office, In A Post Office Or In A Big Hotel Must Know
English. A Postman Must Read Foreign Envelopes. A
Telephone Operator Must UseEnglish to Make Calls To Other
Countries. In An Airport A Pilot Or A Stewardess Must Talk To Foreigners In
English. A Foreign Office Connote Also Function Without English
Knowing People. Thus The Necessity Of Learning English Connote Be Ignored In
Any Way. So, Every One Of Us ShouldLearn English.
Our School Library
A Library Is A
Storehouse Of Knowledge. It Can Help A Man To Satisfy His Unquenchable Thirst
For Knowledge. A Library Is Part And Parcel of An Educational Institution.
Our School Has A Rich Library. It Is Housed In A Separate Building. Our School
Library Is Well-Decorated. There Awe Three Big Rooms in It. The Two
Rooms Are Reading Rooms. Boys and Girls Have Separate Rooms. In The Other Room
Books Are Arranged In Admiral. There Are About 5,000 Books In Our
Library. They Include Many Reference Books On Our Different Subjects. There Are
Some Rare Books On History And Culture In Our Library. Only the Students Can
Read and Borrow Books From the Library. For This They Are Issued Library Cards.
A Student Can Borrow Two Of Three Books At A Time And Keep Them At Home For A
Week. But In The Reading Room Hr Is Allowed To Read As Many Books As
He Can. It Remains OpenFrom 9 A.M. except On Holidays. Our School
Library Is A Great Attraction For Us. We Are Really Proud Of It.
Population Growth in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Is
A Small Country. The Total Land Area Of Bangladesh Is 1, 47,570
Square Kilometers. But It Is Densely Populated. It Is The
Eighth Largest Country Of The World In Population. Its Population Is Over
Sixteen Cores. About 981 People Live Per Spare Kilometer. The
Growth Rate Of Population Is 21.1 Per Thousand. It Is A High Rate. It
Our Population Grows At Such High Rate, It Will Surely is Double Will Need Many
Additional Things. They Will Need Food, Clothes, Houses, Schools, Hospitals
Etc. But Bangladesh Cannot Afford To Meet All These Additions Things.
So, We Should Take Preventive Steps To Control The Growth Of Our Population.
Otherwise All Hopes And Joust Of Our People Will Be Nipped In The Bud.
Problems of poly bag or, Poly bag Problems
Our environment
is becoming more and more polluted day by day. Many elements are polluting our
environment. Poly bag is one of the most dreadful elements. It is more harmful
than useful to use poly bags. It blocks the sewerage and the regular flow of
the drain water. It also causes flood and water-clogging problem. It obstructs
the rain-water flowing to the drays. It is also a potential threat to
all cultivable land. It causes low-laying areas to go under water. We can
recall the longest tasting flood in 1998. Flood-water remained in many parts of
Dhaka for over two months. We should therefore stop using poly bags without
delay and use jute, cloth or paper bags as substitutes. The sooner we can stop
using poly nags, the better-the better for a happier and healthier life.
Drug Addiction
Addiction Is A Curse Of Modern Civilization. It Is Now A Global Problem. Drug
Addiction Has Grasped The Young Generation In Our Country. Frustration Is
The Main Cause Of This Addiction. Again Some Take Drugs As A Pursuit Of
Pleasure And Later On It Turns Into An Addiction. The Drugs Are Very Expensive.
In Order To Arrange Money, The Addicts Commit Many Kinds Of Social
Crimes Like Stealing; Hijacking Looting, Plundering Etc. Drug
Addiction Has A Terrible Effect On Human Body. People Addicted To Drugs
Feel Drowsy And Lose Appetite. The Poisonous Effect Of Drugs May Damage The
Brain And All Internal Functions Of The Body. The Addicts Feel Intensive Pain
In The Body. The Treatment Of The Drug Addicts Is Expensive And Difficult. The
Drug Problem Has Become Very Acute In Our County.
Recently, Bangladesh Is Often Used As Transit Of Transmission Of
Drugs From One Country To Another By The International Drug Smugglers.
The Remedy For Drug AddictionIs Not Very Easy. All Concerned
Must Create Awareness at Personal and Family Levels Against the
Dangerous Impact of Drug Addiction. Suppliers Should Be Punished Strictly.
When Each And Every Person Will Be Sincere To Drive The Curse Of Drug
Addiction From The Society, Then We Can Get Rid Of It.
Greenhouse effect
In recent years the world's climate is undergoing a
significant change and that is the world's temperature is increasing day by
day. This increase in global warning is called greenhouse effect.
This is caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. The 24 km thick ozone layer which protects us and the earth from the ultra violet ray of the sun is being destroyed by chlorofluorocarbon dioxides; mythane, nitrus-oxide and other gases. As a result, violet ray of the sun enter the earth which not only warm up the earth but also causes serious diseases like cancer, immunity etc. The temperature will be increased and there will be deluges, sea leavel rise, ecological balance of the earth will be ruined. Realising the dangers, steps should be taken to find out fruitful possibilities of international collaboration for the global problem.
This is caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. The 24 km thick ozone layer which protects us and the earth from the ultra violet ray of the sun is being destroyed by chlorofluorocarbon dioxides; mythane, nitrus-oxide and other gases. As a result, violet ray of the sun enter the earth which not only warm up the earth but also causes serious diseases like cancer, immunity etc. The temperature will be increased and there will be deluges, sea leavel rise, ecological balance of the earth will be ruined. Realising the dangers, steps should be taken to find out fruitful possibilities of international collaboration for the global problem.
means cutting down trees in large number. The causes of
deforestation are many. People cut down trees in large number to
draw quick profit from them. To get more space for cultivation people are
deforesting. Besides these, the lucrative price of wood also allures
people to cut trees.
destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existance of animals are going
to be threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide.
As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many
parts of the world is going to be engulfed by the sea in recent future.
On the other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. We may face the problem of flood, soil erosion, drought etc.
On the other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. We may face the problem of flood, soil erosion, drought etc.
We can take
many measures to prevent deforestation. Tree plantation programme should be
expanded to the remove corner of the country. The government should make TV and
radio programme on the subject of afforestation. The common people
should be informed of the danger of deforestation.
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a
such kind of rain which contains harmful chemicals. But in severely
polluted areas, rain can be as acidic as the acids of lemon juice or viengar.
This rain, which is very acidic, can cause damage to trees, lakes,
wild life, building and human health.
Breathing in chemicals can harm people. It causes chest illness. When acid rain causes the release of chemicals and metals into drinking water, it pollutes the water. That is how acid rain affects drinking water.
Fading of the colors of the glass is a common result of the acid rain. In the last thirty years some 1000 years old stained glass windows have been damaged by acid rain. The damage of Tazmahal indicates that acid pollution is occuring in the developing world.
Breathing in chemicals can harm people. It causes chest illness. When acid rain causes the release of chemicals and metals into drinking water, it pollutes the water. That is how acid rain affects drinking water.
Fading of the colors of the glass is a common result of the acid rain. In the last thirty years some 1000 years old stained glass windows have been damaged by acid rain. The damage of Tazmahal indicates that acid pollution is occuring in the developing world.
A Rail Way Station
A Railway
Station Is A Place Where Trains Stop And Start From. Passengers Get
Into The Train And Get Down From The Train There. It Has A Platform For The
Passengers. In A Bag Railway StationThere Is A Shed Over The Platform
But At A Booking-Office And Waiting Rooms For Men And Women. There Are
Restaurants, Book Stall and Stationary Shops In It. A Railway
Station Is Always A Crowded Place. Passengers Come To and Go Form There.
People Are Found In A Ling Line To Buy Tickets. That Push One Another To Go
Ahead. When The Train Arrives, The Station Becomes A Noisy Place, But When The
Train Whistles Away, It Becomes Calm And Punier. The Flagman Moves With Red and
Green Flags. The Hawkers Shout, The Vendors Move, The Green Flags. The Hawkers
Shout The Vendors Move, The Porters Walk To And Fro And The Beggars Brig
Singing Religious Chorus. ThusRailway Station Is A Place Of Great Noise.
Air Pollution
The world is
producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste each
year and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable locations to
get rid of all the refuse. The disposal of various lines of waste is seriously
polluting the environment.
We know that air is an important element of our environment and air is polluted by smoke. Man makes fires to cool done, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things.
Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouser create smoke by burning coal and oil.
Mills and factories also belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. There to emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air.
We know that air is an important element of our environment and air is polluted by smoke. Man makes fires to cool done, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things.
Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouser create smoke by burning coal and oil.
Mills and factories also belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. There to emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air.
An Ideal Student
An ideal
student never does anything against discipline. He prepares his lessons well
and does not leave his good task incomplete. He is hardly absent from school.
He comes to school in time and takes his seat in a front bench.
He listens to what his teachers say in the class. He answers politely and properly to the questions.
He respects his parents, teachers and superiors. He behaves with his brothers, sisters and friends well. He does not quarrel with anybody. He is line to the poor. He takes part in hands and sports regularly. He abides by the laws of morality and the rules of his school. Everybody lover an ideal student.
He listens to what his teachers say in the class. He answers politely and properly to the questions.
He respects his parents, teachers and superiors. He behaves with his brothers, sisters and friends well. He does not quarrel with anybody. He is line to the poor. He takes part in hands and sports regularly. He abides by the laws of morality and the rules of his school. Everybody lover an ideal student.
Globalization is,
basically, a process of expanding trade and commerce all over
the world by creating a border less market. However, it is
creating more opportunities for capitalist countries rather than for the developing ones.
In the name of help and co-operation, the industrially developed
capitalist countries are exploiting the cheap labor available in
poor countries.
This is the common fear about the adverse effects of globalization in the countries like ours. But, the fear is not quite justified because globalization has also a far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid transportation facilities the world has come closer.
We can share our joys and sorrows like next door neighbors Globalization also brings all types of different customs and behavior into our homes through satellite television channels and the Internet.
Now, we can enrich our local culture through constant interaction of different cultures. But, along with this, the cultural assault can also be resisted by the strength of our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitude
This is the common fear about the adverse effects of globalization in the countries like ours. But, the fear is not quite justified because globalization has also a far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid transportation facilities the world has come closer.
We can share our joys and sorrows like next door neighbors Globalization also brings all types of different customs and behavior into our homes through satellite television channels and the Internet.
Now, we can enrich our local culture through constant interaction of different cultures. But, along with this, the cultural assault can also be resisted by the strength of our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitude
Favorite Teacher
A Teacher Is
Indispensable For Any Educational Institution. I Have Come Across Many
Teachers In My Student Life. Of Them Mr.Abdul Martin Is My Favorite Teacher. He
Is An English Teacher. He Is A Man Of Letters With Profound Knowledge
In English Literature and Language. His Teaching Style Is Very
Attractive And Effective. When He Adopts My Communicative Method In
Classroom And Makes Us Share Our Emotions And Feelings With Him. He Makes
Lessons Interesting. Eh Maintains Amiable Relation With All Students. He Is
Very Sincere Punctual and Honest. Whenever He Comes Before Us, Our Heads Bow
Down In Respect. He Always Encourages Us To Learn New Things. After All He Is
No Doubt, An Ideal Teacher. Because Of All His Extraordinary Qualities, He Is
My Favorite Teacher.
My Visit to A Place of Historical Interest
Man Is Not
Satisfied With What He Has Seen And Known. So As A Student, I Have A Keen
Interest To Know The Historical Places Of My Country. During The
Last Autumn Vacation, I Got and Opportunity to Visit Bagerhat, A Great
Historical Place. The Important Spots Of Bangerhat Are “The Mazar Of Khan Jahan
Ali”, The Dighi Of “Khan Jahan-Ali”, The Shatgambuj Mosque, And “The Ghora
Dighi”. The Mazar Of Khan Jahan Ali Is A Fine One Storeyed Building Where He
Was Buried. On The Night Of Full Moon Of The Month Chaitra, A Big Fair Is Held
Beside The Mazar. The Dighi Of Khan Jahan Ali Is In Front Of The Mazar. It Is A
Big Tank. There Are Some Crocodiles In This Big Tank. I Also Visited
The Shatgambuj Kmosque. The Mosque Is Beautifully Decorated. The
Ghora Dighi Is Also Big. It Is Near The Shatgambuj Mosque. Bagerhat Ais Really
A Place Of Historical Interest. I Left Bagerhat But the Memory Still
Hanunts My Mind.
A street beggar
Begging is not
an employment.It is a curse to any country. A street begger is a familiar
figure in towns and cities.He is usually seen to beg sitting or standing by the
roadsides, railway stations or bus stands. A street beggar may be
either male or female.He is young or old, weak or strong. Blind and lame
beggar is also seen there. A street beggar looks strange with dirty and torn
cloths. A street beggar has his own way of life and mode of approaching for
alms. He tries his best to draw the sympathy of the passers-by with his
peculiar voice. Someone takes pity on him and gives a coin or two and go on his
way. Again, someone becomes disgusted with his loud shouts and avoids him. A
street beggar usually gets a small amount and finds it hard to support himself
and his family. Infact, he leads a hard and miserable life.
Computer is a
fairly recent invention.It has brought about a revolutionary changes in our
life.It is an electronic device that can perform
mathenatical calculations and process large masses of information at
a great speed.It can make thousand of calculations in a moment.It can
also store in its memory millions of facts and figures.It can not only solve
complex mathematical problems quickly and accurately but also perform
nany operations at once and at the same time without any confusion.Nowadays
computer helps to diagnose a disease.Computer is of great use to us also in the
field of agriculture and buriness.It has lessened our work loads and made our
life easy and comfortable.
Environment is
the most important factor of our life.Fresh environment is the precondition of
our sound life.But the environment we live in is not fresh.It is polluted.The
three factors of our environment water,air and sound are polluted for many
reasons.Air is polluted mainly by the smoke that comes out from the chimneys of
the factories and from motor cars,buses etc.Water is polluted by
chemicals,insecticides,waste material of mills and factories, fuel oil, food
waste and human waste etc. Which are thrown into water and mixed with it sound
pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of hydraulic horn and loud rpeaker
leads to deafness and creates many other health problems.Thus environment
pollution threatens man with life causing a lot of harms.We should not allow
this situation to continue.Positive steps should be taken to prevent
environment pollution.
A Rainy
If it so
happens that it rains all day long, we call it a rainy day. In
such a day, the sky remains cloudy. The sun is not seen at all. The day
looks dull and gloomy. Sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes it drezzles.
Often there are flashes of lighting and roads of thunder in the sky. Birds are
harldy seen to fly and cattle keep standing on their sides. In such a day,
forke have to remain indoors. They cannot note from one place to another
easily. The roads become almost muddy and desolate. The poor suffer very much.
They cannot in out to farm their daily bread. It is a day of great low to the
students because classes are not held viet day. Some people also spend the day
in inspiring, playing at cards, singing or hearing songs. After all,
a rainy day gives up both joy and sorrow. It comes to different
classes of people in different ways.
Newspaper reading
Yes, i an
habituated in reading newspapers. I think it is necessary to read newspapers
because reading newspapers, we can know about various lines of news and the
current world. He i don't read newspapers i won't be able to know the
important news of the world. I read specially daily newspapers. I
prefer reading familish dailies to bengali ones. It is needless to say that
reading newspapers enriches one's knowledge. A newspaper is called
the store house of knowledge. It contains the news of the happenings
all over the world that makes us conscious. A newspaper publisher the news of
various sectors of life. It focuses on politics, economics, business,
hands and sports, culture, literature, natural disasters and
accidents etc. As i read newspapers i become aware of all there things. So
reading newspapers is of great importance.
Bangladesh is
an underdeveloped country. She in facing many problems. Population problem is
the main problem and it seems to be the root of all problems. The population of
our country is increasing day by day. Her population is too much in comparison
with her total area. The increasing population creates pressure everywhere in
our socity. Our land is limited. So our done production is not being increased.
As a result we are to import cross from foreign countries which
creates an extra pressure upon our economy. The increasing people need houses,
schools, colleges etc. Our land is getting decreased to build up there things.
Illitreacy is the main cause of our population problem. Illiterate people are
not aware of the problems of over population. Population growth is to be
checked byadopting family planning. We should control the population
growth to save the nation.
Water pollution
Water is a
vital element of our environment. Another name of water is life. We
cannot think of our life even for a single moment without water.
This water can be polluted in many ways. Men pollute water by
throwing waste into it. Farmers use
chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. When
pain and floods wash away some of there chemicals they get mixed with water in
rivers, canals and ponds. Ollks and factories also throw their poisonous
chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and thus pollute
water. Water vehicles also pollute rivers by dumping oil, done waste and human
waste into them. Insanitary lauriod and unsafe drains standing on river and
canal banks are also responsible for further pollution. We should take necessary
steps as early as possible to keep our water pollution free.
Otherwise, we must duffes a lot in future.
Female education
Education means
training a person both mentally and morally. It changes all mental
faculties of humanbeings into a harmonious one. So education should be
universal. In this sense women should be educated by all means. But there are
some people in the society who have prejudice against female education. They
argue that women should be confined to the kitchen only. Their only
duty is to rear up the children, perform the household duties and to look after
the make members of the family. But they should realise that every
women is essentially a mother. The future of a child depends on
how he is taught by his mother in childhood. An educated mother can give an
educated nation, an educated women can take social responsibilities. An
educated wife can work as a right hand of her husband. So female education is
necessary for any nation from every point of views.
of learning english
For its global
utility, english has been recognised as the international language. Statistics
show that about 350 million people speak english as a first language
and another 300 million people use it as a second language. It is the official
or semi-official language in more them 60 countries. It is also the official
language of almost all the international organisations. In our country, all the
government officer and business farm have to communicate with other countries
and in that case english is the language of their communication. So english is
necessary for the people of may occupation. All the books and periodicals of
higher education are written in english. So to get
higher education. English is a must. A businessman has to communicate with
other countries in english. In this way a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer should
have knowledge in english.
Internet is a
new device for speedy transmission of nation, news, feelings, etc. In the
process ofcomputer network. Internet is now regarded as a milestone in the
modern world of computers. Internet is practically a network of all networks.
In Bangladesh internet opened a new dimension in nun
communication system. Our T & T board has already introduced VSAT in
our country. As a result, telephone line through wires will on more be
required. Now cellular telephone is being used. The use of internet in our
country still remains costly. It is hoped that our government will take all
possible steps to make up beneficiary of this wonderful system in a
very short time.
E-mail is
abbreviated form of electronic mail. It is the communication of textual
message via electronic means. Although telex communication is electronic in
nature there are differences between telex and e-mail. Telex communication is
terminal to terminal, while electronic mail communication is
user-to-user via the computer. In order to operate an e-mail system we need
a personal computer, a modem and a telephone connection.
Important advantage of E-mail is its ability to reduce the consumption of paper
in th office. Internal memos and reports can be exchanged electronically
without using paper.
A rickshaw
A rickshaw
puller is a common feature of every city. Nowadays rickshaw puller is
seen in the villages. He pulls the rickshaw and carrier passengers
from one place to another of a little distance mainly. Except a few
most of the rickshaw pulled are illiterate. They do not know the
traffic rules of city. As a result they pull the rickshaw violating the rules
and cause traffic Jan in the big cities. In Dhaka city the main cause of
traffic jam is rickshaw. The income of a rickshaw pulles is very low
and for this they do not get proper done and nutrition. Most of them suffer
from malnutrition. They live in the slump in a very unhygienic environment.
Their physical condition is not good. Diseases like bronchitis
asthmathroatiness and rheumatoid arthritis are very prevalent among the
rickshaw pullers. As a result the life span of a rickshaw pulled is
five years less than any other type of laborious. A phalanges puller has to
endure a lot of physical cause on the roads.
The people i like best
There are
people of different tastes and manners around of. But i do not like everyone
because of different reasons. I like those people who are well-behaved, honest,
hard-working, tolerant and rational.g like there posts of people because they
do not think ill of others and they work not only for themselves but also for
others. I like an honest man because honesty is a spect virtue and
nobody is cheated by an honest man. The man, who is tolerant in time of danger
and who does not lord temper when somebody tries to infuriate him,
is loved by all. I also possess those qualities which make a man
worthy of respect to others. There are times when i become angry. Though i
become angry i do not lord my temper. It seems to of that many people of our
locality like of for my good behavior.
disasters in Bangladesh
Due to its
geographical location Bangladesh is proof to natural disasters.
There disasters are cyclone, tidal cords and flood. I experienced a
cyclone in 1991. Them i was a child. The wind was blowing so strongly that our
house was shivering severely. We were afraid that our house might be fallen.
However, the house did not collapse but we could not sleep that might in dear.
In the morning people came out of their houses anxiously. Many houses were
damaged and many trees were uprooted. During that cyclone many cattle died
under collapsed houses. Many people were killed at different places and many were
lost. A lot of educational institutions were damaged. The cyclone
caused untold sufferings to people.
Dangers of
Smoking, a
bad habit is dangerous for health. A person who smoker cigarette endanger
his life. Many deadly diseases like bronchitis, cancer, chronic, heart attack
etc. May be caused by smoking. Smoking tobacco products is a major health
hazard. Benzedrine, arsenic and tobacco tar cause cancer in human beings.
Nicotine a toxic element is found is cigarette and is abstracts the
flow of alone through veins and oxygen in the body. Persons who addicted to
smoking lord their appetite for good and energy for power. Yes, one of my
friends is a accustomed to smoking. He started smoking when he was twelve or
thirteen years old. Them he became again smoker day by day. I an a noon-smoker.
I tried to divert him from this bad habit. Sometimes, i heard to him the
dangers of smoking. Although he was at first unwilling to give up smoking, he
finally realized what he was doing. He promised to of that he would give up
this bad habit. At last, he became successful to give up smoking. We should be
watchful of the smoking. The both smoking drive should banned in th public
buildings, Bus stops, rail station, workplaces, hotel and
restaurants and in the public transport.
The room which is used for reading and writing purpose is called a reading room.As Iam a student.I have a separate reading room.This room is my own.It faces the south.It is a big room.There are two doors and two separate windows.So natural light enters into my reading room easily.There are a table,a chair,and a nice bookshelf in my reading room.There is also a table clock in my reading room.I keep my books in order in my reading room.I also keep a diary and maintain my daily routine.I keep myreading room neat and clean.It serves the purpose of my life.
The room which is used for reading and writing purpose is called a reading room.As Iam a student.I have a separate reading room.This room is my own.It faces the south.It is a big room.There are two doors and two separate windows.So natural light enters into my reading room easily.There are a table,a chair,and a nice bookshelf in my reading room.There is also a table clock in my reading room.I keep my books in order in my reading room.I also keep a diary and maintain my daily routine.I keep myreading room neat and clean.It serves the purpose of my life.
It was a cold morning of January.I felt the betting cold of winter.There are was dense fog everywhere.Everything looked lazy.Things at a distance could hardly be seen.But I had an important work to attend to.So I left the bed and got ready to go there.I saw some of the old man.They were shivering in cold.Because they had no costly winter clothes to put on.Some boys collected straw and make fire to warm themselves.Soon the sun peeped with its mild rays in the eastern sky.All things greeted it with thanks.The sky became clear of frost.we enjoyed The rays of the sun with great interest.Children began to eat sweets made of date juice.The sun rose up and the fog melted away. bed room also .I feel joy in my reading room.
It was a cold morning of January.I felt the betting cold of winter.There are was dense fog everywhere.Everything looked lazy.Things at a distance could hardly be seen.But I had an important work to attend to.So I left the bed and got ready to go there.I saw some of the old man.They were shivering in cold.Because they had no costly winter clothes to put on.Some boys collected straw and make fire to warm themselves.Soon the sun peeped with its mild rays in the eastern sky.All things greeted it with thanks.The sky became clear of frost.we enjoyed The rays of the sun with great interest.Children began to eat sweets made of date juice.The sun rose up and the fog melted away. bed room also .I feel joy in my reading room.
A street hawker generally deals in many kinds of things by hawking from roar to road,from door todoor.He carries his materials in a bags or in a basket.Sometimes in hand sometimes in a small handcraft.Generally we find the hawkers buy goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit.A street hawker is very cunning.He knows his business well.His customers are children and women.He brings toys,sweets and other things for children and sells them at a fixed price. He brings bangles,ribbons,clothings,fruits,utensils,fancy goods and somethings of our daily domestic uses for women folk.He appeals in defferent ways to draw the attention fo the customers.
A street hawker generally deals in many kinds of things by hawking from roar to road,from door todoor.He carries his materials in a bags or in a basket.Sometimes in hand sometimes in a small handcraft.Generally we find the hawkers buy goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit.A street hawker is very cunning.He knows his business well.His customers are children and women.He brings toys,sweets and other things for children and sells them at a fixed price. He brings bangles,ribbons,clothings,fruits,utensils,fancy goods and somethings of our daily domestic uses for women folk.He appeals in defferent ways to draw the attention fo the customers.
In The last summer vacation i had a journey by bus with some of my classmates.I requested my father to have some money for a journey by bus.My father give me taka two hundred only for a journey by buswith some of my friends.Fast we intended to see the Jamuna Bridge.We started at 7 a.m. from our school.We went straight to Jamuna Bridge and reaached Serajgonj at 4 p.m. The journey was most exciting.The waves of the Jamuna gave me joy.This was our first long journey.journey gives us experince and joy.It increases our knowledge.I am really glad for my journey.
In The last summer vacation i had a journey by bus with some of my classmates.I requested my father to have some money for a journey by bus.My father give me taka two hundred only for a journey by buswith some of my friends.Fast we intended to see the Jamuna Bridge.We started at 7 a.m. from our school.We went straight to Jamuna Bridge and reaached Serajgonj at 4 p.m. The journey was most exciting.The waves of the Jamuna gave me joy.This was our first long journey.journey gives us experince and joy.It increases our knowledge.I am really glad for my journey.
In our country rainy day is a common scene after summer comes rains.Sometimes it rains cats and dogs.The sky is over cast with clouds.Day remain without having sun light.A rainy day is really fit forwriting poems,stories etc.Rain drop fall and makes sounds.The sun is not seen for days together.The Sun is seldom seen.Sometimes nature looks dark,the roads and street become muddy andslippery.Poor people suffer much in a rainy day.They can not go out to earn thir bread.I do not feel comfort in a rainy day.Sounds of rainfall at night gives me joy. by bus.
In our country rainy day is a common scene after summer comes rains.Sometimes it rains cats and dogs.The sky is over cast with clouds.Day remain without having sun light.A rainy day is really fit forwriting poems,stories etc.Rain drop fall and makes sounds.The sun is not seen for days together.The Sun is seldom seen.Sometimes nature looks dark,the roads and street become muddy andslippery.Poor people suffer much in a rainy day.They can not go out to earn thir bread.I do not feel comfort in a rainy day.Sounds of rainfall at night gives me joy. by bus.
The man who carries on his shoulder a beg a letter to deliver for the public is called a postman.He is a most common man in our cociety.He wears a khaki dress supplied by the postal department.He bears with him a letter bag in his hand.There remains letters parcels and money orders sent to them their dear and near ones.He goes from door to deliver letters.His most important duty to deliver letters and parcels in due time in all the seasons of the year.He cares not the inclement weather to do his duty for the good of the people.His important duty is to give us letters and parcel.
The man who carries on his shoulder a beg a letter to deliver for the public is called a postman.He is a most common man in our cociety.He wears a khaki dress supplied by the postal department.He bears with him a letter bag in his hand.There remains letters parcels and money orders sent to them their dear and near ones.He goes from door to deliver letters.His most important duty to deliver letters and parcels in due time in all the seasons of the year.He cares not the inclement weather to do his duty for the good of the people.His important duty is to give us letters and parcel.
Load shedding means sudden stop of supply of electricity.It is unwanted and we fell uneasy owing to load shedding.I fell very uneasy for this.Our fans stops lights are off.At night the enviroment becomes dark.In towns and cities pick pocket's freely prowl on the streets.It is not safe for us.I can do no work at this time at night .I full uneasy.Nowadays it occurs two or theree times in a day.Many machines remain stopped.Government should control it.
Load shedding means sudden stop of supply of electricity.It is unwanted and we fell uneasy owing to load shedding.I fell very uneasy for this.Our fans stops lights are off.At night the enviroment becomes dark.In towns and cities pick pocket's freely prowl on the streets.It is not safe for us.I can do no work at this time at night .I full uneasy.Nowadays it occurs two or theree times in a day.Many machines remain stopped.Government should control it.
My class room is in the ground floor of my school.It is spacious.It is well ventilated.It faces the south.It has two doors and eight windows.The doors and the windows are made of wood.There are twenty eight pairs of low and high benches.The benches are arranged in a good manner.The benches arearranged in twelve rows in both the right and left hand sides of my reading room.A narrow passage runs in the middle.There are a chair and a teble on a platform for the teachers.They sit there. dents cannot read and write for load shedding.
My class room is in the ground floor of my school.It is spacious.It is well ventilated.It faces the south.It has two doors and eight windows.The doors and the windows are made of wood.There are twenty eight pairs of low and high benches.The benches are arranged in a good manner.The benches arearranged in twelve rows in both the right and left hand sides of my reading room.A narrow passage runs in the middle.There are a chair and a teble on a platform for the teachers.They sit there. dents cannot read and write for load shedding.
Street Beggar
A street beggar
can be seen everywhere; at the bus stop, railway stations, religious places,
markets etc. Some beggars are crippled, lame and some are blind. They are
unable to earn their livelihood. Whereas some are healthy and they do not
deserve our sympathy. We should see that they take up some profession. They
should not be allowed to beg. On my way to school I see a beggar daily. He
wears old rags. He is partially blind. I feel pity seeing him but I can't help
it I can only pray to God to help him to earn his livelihood.
The doctor is a
person who looks after the sick people and prescribes medicines so that the
patient recovers fast. In order to become a doctor, a person has to study medicine.
Doctors lead a hard life. Their life is very busy. They get up early in the
morning and go to the hospital. They work without taking a break. They always
remain polite so that patients feel comfortable with them. Since doctors work
so hard we must realise their value.
A hawker is a
person who moves from one place to another and sell their goods, by shouting on
the streets. They work hard throughout the day. They move on the street on
their bicycle and sometimes on foot and sell their products. We can see hawkers
everywhere. They move everywhere selling their goods without caring about the
weather. There is a hawker who sells vegetables on his bicycle in our locality.
His name is Manoj. He brings fresh vegetables at a very reasonable price. He is
a nice and an honest hawker.
India is an
agricultural country. Most of the people live in villages and are farmers. They
grow cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruits. The farmers lead a tough life.
They get up early in the morning and go to the fields. They stay and work on
the farm late till evening. The farmers usually live in kuchcha houses. Though,
they work hard they remain poor. Farmers eat simple food; wear simple clothes
and rear animals like cows, buffaloes and oxen. Without them there would be no
cereals for us to eat. They play an important role in the growth and economy of
a country.
A Tea Stall
A tea stall is
a small shop where tea and other things are sold for the passers-by. It is a
common place to all classes of people. It is usually found at the turn of the
road, bus stands, railway stations, Bazer or even beside an office where the
common people are available. It opens early in the morning and closes at late
night. Biscuits, bread, banas, betal leaf and different kinds of handmade snacks
are available there. A tea stall is furnished with some benches and tables. A
boy is employed in a tea stall to serve the people. People who come to a tea
stall usually do not leave it immediately after taking a cup of tea. People
refresh themselves with a cup of tea in a tea stall. A tea stall is also a
place where social disputes are settled. They mainly talk about politics and
current affairs. This is why it is called a Mini Sangsad. Intact, tea stall is
now –a-days an important place of social gathering and at the same time a place
of charm for the common people. So a tea stall occupies an important place in
our day-to-day life.
Village Doctor
person who treats the poor villagers is a village doctor. He is a familiar and
prominent figure in the village. A village doctor gives treatment to the
village patients He has a
great demand in the village. He is generally a quack. He does not know much
about medicine. He works with a qualified doctor for a few years and receives
training under him. Then he sets up a dispensary in his own village. He opens
his dispensary early in the morning. He examines the patients in his own
dispensary and supplies them with medicine. He stands by the villagers in times
of danger. He goes out on a visit on private calls. He is an important man in
the village. He has got a high position in the rural society as he pays the
villagers a helpful service at any time. He is locally respected much. He
treats his patients with a nominal fee from the patients. He does not mind if
any one does not pay him .He is somewhat responsible for the health condition
of the villagers. Therefore, he should be trained more practically by the
government for the better treatment of the villagers.
Dengue fever is a kind of fatal disease caused by
the biting of Aedes mosquitoes. It was first detected in Bangladesh in 1966. It
is a virus-infested disease. There are four stereotypes of dengue virus, such
as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4.DEN-2 and DEN-3 are more serious. Dengue is one of
the prime re-emerging diseases of Bangladesh. Aedes mosquitoes carry the virus
of dengue fever. It breeds in small pots, jars, dumps and discarded plastic
containers and tyros. There are two types of dengue fever. There are classical
dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is fatal
and it causes death with bleeding. Dengue virus is originated from Africa. Now
it is epidemic in most tropical countries of Asia like India, Myanmar,
Srilanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines.
It transmits the virus when it sucks human blood. Its symptoms on patient
become clear in four to six days. Aedes mosquitoes breeds stagnant but clear
water of various pots. It lives on blood and aedes female mosquitoes cannot breed
without blood. There is no antidote of dengue virus. With an apprehension of
severe outbreak of dengue fever, people can be made aware of dengue. It will be
easier to prevent the disease.
Railway Station.
A railway station is place where trains stop for the
passengers to get into and get off from the train. It is a busy place. It
becomes very busy because of the arrival of trains. Here the passengers are
found to stand in a queue to collect their tickets in front of the ticket
counter. A big station is always crowded with passengers, hawkers, and posters.
There are bookstalls, book-sellers and waiting rooms in such a stations.
Vendors shout their trade cries. When a train reaches at the station, the
passengers hurry to get off from the train. At the same time passengers waiting
for the train want to get into the train. As a result, a collision of two
groups of passengers takes place. The whistling sound of the departing train
creates a situation of vacuum in the minds of the passengers. When the train
leaves the station, it becomes deserted and buzzing sound of the passengers
ends. A railway station is often a den for the anti-social elements. It is a
suitable place for the beggars to carry on their trade. It is an unhygienic
place too. The authority should look into it.
A Farmer/ The life of a farmer
A farmer is a man who leads his family by working
hard in the agricultural farms or cultivating lands. Bangladesh is an
agricultural country. So farmers are the backbone of the country. He is most
common figure in our country. Basically he is the main force of economy. He is
called the father of food production. But they are devaluated. Without his role
our country cannot go ahead. The farmers live in the village. Some farmers have
their own lands. But some others are landless. They cultivate the land of others.
They have to work hard from morning till night even in sun and rain to earn
their livelihood. He works in the field all day long and procedures different
kinds of crops. The economic condition of a farmer is miserable. Although he
works hard, he does not get enough crops to eat. He lives a very low-standard
life. He lives in the thatched houses. When a farmer produces good harvest, he
enjoys a happy life with his family .His face beams with joy. But when he
cannot produce good harvest, he enjoys a miserable life He has to starve
sometimes. He even cannot get minimum medical care. Due to his illiteracy, he
suffers from various diseases. The joys of a farmer know no bound when he gets
bumpers crops. To enlighten him with the modern ideas. Adult education
programme for the illiterate farmers can be introduced in the Radio and
day /A Mournful Day
May day refers to a sad incident that took place in
the month of May in 1886 in the American city of Chicago. May day means first
May of the year, which is recognized as the international workers who laid down
their lives for the interest of the workers in Chicago in May 1886. The history
is that during those days the working people were suffering from over work.
From the beginning of the industrial Revolution people in factories have worked
very long, shifts lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. They could
not protest for fear of losing job. However, they protested against the
injustice done to them. And on May 3,1886 police fired into a protestant crowed
in Chicago. The street of Chicago were smeared with the warm blood of workers.
Many people were injured and one died. All
the privilege workers enjoy to day such as a minimum wage, safety laws and
eight-hours workday were the outcome of the sacrifices of the workers on
May3,1886. These are the rights they have achieved by their struggle. This day
reminds the working class people that the workers will continue to be exploited
until they stand up and speak and speak out to gain much better working
condition, better pay and standard of life. On this day the working classes of
the world become united irrespective of castes, creeds and nationalities. This
is the glory as well as sorrow. So black flags are flown atop the offices and
black badges are worn by the workers to symbolize their heartfelt grief for
their fellow workers. Thus May Day has been a symbol of unity for the workers
all over the world.
Traffic jam is a long line of
vehicles in where many vehicles get stuck in jam. It occurs in big cities and
towns. Our vehicles have increased but our roads have not increased. The
drivers have little knowledge about traffic rules. Parking here and there and
overtaking tendency are also the cause of occurring traffic jam. It brings
great suffering to us. It kills our valuable time. We cannot reach school,
college, office and hospital in time. Ambulance and fire brigade cannot go
hurry up due to traffic jam. The number of roads should be increased. Traffic rules
should also be imposed with an iron hand. After doing all this things we can
hope traffic jam free country and save our valuable time.
Winter Morning
A winter morning is misty and cold.
Sometimes sun is not seen because fog is very dense. Everything looked hazy.
Nothing is seen clearly and people especially poor people suffer a lot. Village
children and the poor people gather straw and make fires to warm themselves.
The old people and the poor people bask in the sun. People in general and
children get up late. In winter morning people like to eat various kinds
of pitha. The farmer and other poor people get up early in the morning and go
to their work. In winter they suffer a lot because they do not have good dress.
When the fog gradually disappears everyone go to their work. A winter morning
is very enjoyable to me.
Street/Road Accident
The accident that is generally taken
place on street is called road accident. It is taken place by buses, trucks,
rickshaws, baby-taxies etc. It is increasing day by day. Thousands of people
die every year due to street accident. The reckless driving of the drivers is
the main cause of it. The unconsciousness of the people is also responsible for
increasing street accident. Most of the drivers are not willing to obey traffic
rules. Passers-by do not usually use over bridge and underground path. As a
result, street accident is caused every day. This problem should be solved by
taking necessary steps. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Passers-by
and drivers should be aware. Radio and television can play a vital role in this
National Flag
National flag symbolizes a nation’s
independence. It introduces any country to the people of the world. Every
independent country has a national flag. We live in an independent country. We
have our own national flag too. Its size is 10: 6. It may be made of cotton,
liner or silk. The color of our national flag is green and it has a red circle
in the center. The green color indicates youth and peace. The red circle indicates
dark period of oppression the sunrise after a long dark period of oppression.
It also indicates the bright future of our nation. It is hoisted on
government office buildings, foreign high commission offices and educational
institutions. It is kept half- mast on the national mournful days. I am very
proud of our national flag.
Space travel is a form of travel in
which passengers enter space, the vast region outside the protective envelope
of the Earth's atmosphere. Man’s curiosity for knowledge has led him to explore
space. Space contains the planets, countless galaxies and milky ways. Man has
been able to go to space and collect pictures of the sun, the planets and the
moon. The first man made satellite Sputnik-1 was sent into space by Russia in
1957. Uri Gagarin of Russia became the first man to go into space. Man has
landed on the moon and he is trying to find out the existence of life on other
planets. Telecommunication, weather forecasting, radio and television
programmes etc. are all monitored by satellites in space. There are also
military stations and spy satellites in space which pose a threat of a nuclear
war. This should be avoided and scientists should work for the benefit of
mankind. People might explore the rest of the solar system and
galaxy, learning more about the nature of the universe and potentially
leading to a discovery of life beyond the boundaries of Earth.
A pyramid is a structure or
monument, usually with a quadrilateral base. It rises to a triangular point.
The pyramid shape was first used in ancient Mesopotamia in the mud-brick
structures. It continued to be used by the Greeks and Romans. Pyramids are also
found south of Egypt. These pyramids also made use of the gradation of
stone blocks and limestone. The blocks were cut smaller as the structure rose,
providing a smooth outer surface instead of the 'steps' which was then covered
in limestone. The most outstanding example of pyramid building in
Egypt was the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. The Great Pyramid of
Giza is a huge pyramid built by the Ancient Egyptians. It stands
near Cairo, Egypt and is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It
was the tallest building in the world for over 3 thousand 800 years. The
pyramid was built for Khufu, an Egyptian Pharaoh. The great pyramid
of Giza was made from 2.3 million limestone blocks and granite. The
pharaoh's body was placed in the heart of the pyramid.
Global warming means gradual
increase in the world’s temperature caused by green house gases. The main green
house gas is carbon dioxide and others include nitrous oxide,
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane etc. Now-a-days global warming has made the
environmentalists think about the dreadful consequences. It has become a threat
to all living beings on earth. Global warming is due to greenhouse effect. It
is the gradual warming of the air because of heat being trapped on earth. This
is happening because of environmental pollution. We are destroying our tropical
rain forests, growing industries and mills-factories, using CFC gas. Thus, we
are polluting our environment. By the destruction and burning down our forests,
the amounts of carbon dioxide are increasing. The increased amounts of carbon
dioxide around the earth have made a layer in space. The sun rays are coming
through the layer but the heat cannot pass through the layer. This is why the
heat is being trapped on earth and making our globe warmer. As a result of
this, the temperatures of the world are increasing day by day. The weather
pattern is changing. The alarming news is that the polar ice caps are melting
and this might cause the flooding of huge areas of the globe. Bangladesh also
can not escape the paws of this enemy. The lower southern part of the country
may go under water one day. We should prevent the pollution of the environment
and save our only living place.
Renewable energy is energy that can
never be extinct. Some renewable energy sources are solar, wind, hydro power,
biomass, and geothermal. Renewable energy is energy that is created from
renewable resources, which can be used sustainably and are naturally
regenerated. Some nonrenewable sources are fossil fuels and coal. It doesn't
harm the environment, doesn't pollute. It is used for electricity generation.
It is clean and does not contribute to global warming of greenhouse effects but
it is costly. Renewable energy is a new technology. It is being looked at a
possible source of electricity for the future. Each renewable energy source has
its benefits and costs. About 16% of the global final energy is consumed
everyday and the age of oil and natural gas will come to an end. And to meet
the crisis, we need alternative sources. Solar energy is renewable energy.
Solar energy units can be installed on open rooftops or at any place where
sunlight is available. Wind energy captured with wind turbines can produce
electricity. Sunshine and the wind can turn water into an energy called
hydroelectric energy. We can have bio-energy from bio-mass of plants. Hydrogen
is a source of energy. If hydrogen is separated from another element, it can be
burned as a fuel to produce electricity. We can get geothermal energy from
inside the earth. We can have ocean energy from the tide and energy. However,
renewable energy provides 19% of electricity generation worldwide. Renewable
power generators are spread across many countries and wind power alone already
provides a significant share of electricity in some areas. On the other hand,
solar hot water makes an important contribution to renewable heat in many
countries. Renewable bio-fuels have contributed to a significant decline in all
consumption. But it is true that all the renewable energies come from neutral
E-learning refers to the use of
electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in
education. E-Learning is the use of technology to enable people to learn
anytime and anywhere. E-Learning can include training, the delivery of
just-in-time information and guidance from experts. E-learning includes
numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, streaming
video, audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD or DVD-ROM and computer-based, as
well as web-based learning. E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. It
can be self-paced or instructor-led. It is commonly thought that new technologies
make a big difference in education. Many people involved in e-learning believe
that everyone must be equipped with basic knowledge of technology, as well as
use it as a vehicle for reaching educational goals. Various technologies are
used to facilitate e-learning. Most of the e-learning uses combinations of many
techniques, including blogs, collaborative software, Portfolios,
educational websites and virtual classrooms-Learning has become an
important technique that educational as well as business institutions invest a
great deal of money, time and effort in order to make use of it. E-Learning has
proven to be the cheapest way to transmit knowledge to the largest number of
people regardless of their location and their devices. Most of the existing
e-Learning environments present some similarities and most educators need
several tools to efficiently make use of e-Learning. In short, e-learning has
helped people to learn about anything they want, anytime they want by using
modern technologies and thus spreading knowledge all around the
world. Nowadays, people are often motivated to educate themselves on new
topics, but do not necessarily have time to take a full course. Actually, they
often refer to the Web to search and gather enough information about a
topic to be able to complete a task or carry on a discussion. Hence comes the
word ‘e-learning’.
Information technology means the
study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers for storing and
analyzing information. It is a wonderful invention of modern science. Besides
computers, it also includes telephone, television, radio, wireless, email, fax,
the internet etc. being one of the important inventions of information
technology television can not only send message but also telecast live moving
events, cinemas, dramas, music, dance and many other entertaining programmes.
Another wonderful invention of modern science is wireless or radio. It can send
message from one place to another with the aid of electric waves. By means of
wireless, we can transmit information in a second from one corner of the world
to another. On a radio set, we hear the voice of the speaker from one part of
the world. The Internet is a giant member information technology. It is the
source of news and information. There is no information but is available in the
internet. Thus, internet fulfills the demand of every individual. Various
social networking services such as face book, twitter, Linkden etc are
rendering their services only by means of the internet. The bond of brotherhood
and friendship is being built up among the world people keeping them in a
global village with these social services. The present concept of globalization
is completely void and nothing without information technology. So, information
technology and globalization are independent with each other. But information
technology is not free from demerits. Social and anti-social movement,
hijacking, fraudulence and many other crimes can take place for the misuse of
information technology. So, all the world people irrespective of colour and
creed should be aware of the demerits of information technology.
Morning walk means walking in the
morning. It is a good habit and beneficial to health. It is a kind of physical exercise.
A life can not be happy, decent, comfortable and successful without morning
walk. A morning is suitable for all. There are many benefits of morning walk.
It keeps our body and mind sound. It creates the body strong and active. It
helps proper blood circulation and digestion. Morning air is fresh and full of
oxygen and this air refreshes our body and mind. One who walks in the morning
can enjoy the beauty of nature, the smell of flowers and the chirping sound of
binds. Therefore, those who get up early in the morning and walk in the morning
get the real benefit of it. Walking at morning is very useful to health. Its
makes a man to cheerful, strong and healthy. It removes the monotony of the
routine work life. A man walking at morning regularly leads a happy and
healthy. He\She is successful in every work. So in order to make life
successful and fruitful one should cultivate this good habit from early life.
Face book is an internet based
social network connecting to people worldwide. Everybody having internet
connection may have access to it. Face book nowadays contributes much to
maintain social and friendly relationship between people living far and near.
Any person wishes to be a face book member needs first to have an internet
connection and then to sign up with personal details and secret passwords to
ensure privacy and security. Any person can search their friends as well as
near and dear ones online and can send invitation. If the invitation is once
accepted they become friends in terms of face book and can share everything of
each other stored in their face book. Face book allows us to make numerous
albums and upload photos and documents and make friendship with a lot of
people. Any face book member can write comments on their status, on other
member's status and photos etc. Face book provides online chatting as well as.
With the help of face book we can easily find out our long lost friends as well
as near and dear ones who are already face book member. It can be used to raise
awareness and share news among the members. However, face book has some
disadvantages as well. Crooked people may upload obscene and objectionable
photos and comments. Besides these negative aspects, face book has brought a
great change in modern civilization.
Drought can be defined as lack or
shortage of water for an unusually long period. Drought occurs when there no
rain for a long period of time. In a drought plants do not grow properly and
the water supply to homes and to industry is limited. As streams and rivers dry
up, plants and animals die. In areas where trees have been cut down, hot winds
blow away the dry topsoil. If a drought lasts a long time, people may also die
of starvation and the land may become desert. When waterways dry up wildlife
has no drinking water. Fish and other animals that live in streams, rivers and
dams will die when the waterways dry up. People suffer from scarcity of water.
The green beauty of trees and plants fades away. The farmers look up into the
sky for a drop of water. Crops cannot thrive in the droughty conditions. So
famine breaks out. The area is sized with fateful state of famine. People die
in number and their animals too. Only planting trees may help stop the soil
being blown away in times of drought.
Phone/ Cell Phone
Mobile phone is a telephone system
that works without any wire. It is an important medium of communication. We can
communicate with the people at home and abroad in the shortest possible time
through it. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has
added a new dimension to our communication system. It can be moved easily and
quickly from place to place. Today we cannot do a single day without it. It has
brought the world to our reach. At present, one can use internet in one’s
mobile set and communicate with the whole world. Through
mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports.
The miscreants can easily commit crimes through mobile phone. Mobile phone is
also injurious to our health. So, we should be conscious in using it. The
necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages cannot be denied in the true
sense of the term in our practical life.
Computer is a modern electronic
machine that is used for doing various programmers.The person operating the
computer gives instructions and thus the computer works. A computer stores
information in its memory and uses whenever it is needed. The person gives
instructions to the computer in a language that a computer understands. The
main parts of a PC are a centre processor with its disk drives, keyboards
monitor, printer and a scanner. They have become important part of our lives.
It is used in measuring daily routine work, trade and commerce, diagnosing
diseases, entertainment, games and sports, transport, educational sector,
researching space and what not. It has done great wonders in inventing e-mail,
internet and robot. Nowadays computer helps to diagnose a disease. Computer is
of great use to us also in the field of agriculture and
buriness.It has lessened our work loads and made our life easy and comfortable.
At present lives cannot be led without computer. Truly speaking, modern
civilization is dependent on computer to a great extent.
of Sports
are a very good physical exercise and no one can keep a good health without it.
Among various types of sports, outdoor sports like cricket and football are
very popular. Nowadays these have become very popular form of entertainment.
Sports require quick movement of the limbs. This helps blood circulation and
makes the body strong and healthy. Sports have certain rules which the
participants have to obey. Thus through games and sports people learn
discipline which is very important in practical life. Thus sports are
beneficial in many different ways. I am a student and I like to take part in
sports. Among all the sports, I like cricket best. I play cricket every
afternoon. Games and sports teach us to accept both defeat and victory with
equanimity of mind. Sports give us opportunities to meet many people. The
sports venue becomes a meeting place of people from different countries. When
people of different nations get together on the occasion of an international
sporting event, they come closer to each other, sharing views, opinions and
friendship. So sports strengthen international brotherhood.
Your first day at school
The day a
student goes to school for the first time is called first day at school. My
first day at school is a memorable day for me. It is a red-letter day for me.
When my parents declared the news of my schooling, I became very much excited
and started leaping and dancing in great joy. Then the expected day came. I
went to every member of our family and received blessings from all. I was in a
very happy and cheerful mood. I went to school for the first time when I was
only seven years old. My father took me to school for the first time. I was
little nervous at the beginning. I remember it well. I was then a little boy. I
was very interested in going to school with riding rickshaw accompanied by my
father. First I met with Headmaster at school. My heart beat fast. But
this smiling face and gentle words put me at ease. He asked me my
name. I answered politely. The headmaster was very pleased with my response.
When I was sent to class. My class teacher took me to the classroom and
introduced to my classmates. I met with the teachers and students who behaved
well with me. My classmates were very much friendly and soon they accepted me
as one of their bosom friend. They received me very cordially and made
friendship with me, within a short time. The school broke up at 2 pm. My father
again came and took me home. I left the school with a cheerful mind. That day
was very remarkable in my life.
jam is a situation in where vehicles cannot move freely and traffic comes to a
standstill. It occurs almost all the district towns where a lot of vehicles
play everyday. Especially it occurs near bus stand, railway crossing, turn of a
road, at the junction of various roads or near a market. It occurs mainly in
the morning and afternoon on working days when everyday body tries to attend
office in short time or returns home as early as possible. The indiscriminate
playing of vehicles like rickshaws, bus, scroters etc and haphazard parking of
vehicles and small shops in the footpaths are the main reason of traffic jam.
Traffic jam causes untold sufferings to people. Students cannot reach schools
in time. It kills our time and lessons our working hours. It causes great
sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade
vehicles. The increasing of traffic jam hampers our economy. So well spacious
roads should be constructed. One-way movement of vehicles should be introduced.
The driver should be trained in order to cope with the other developed nations.
After doing all these things we can hope to have a good traffic system for our
easy and comfortable movement.
Internet is a computerized network
of information. It is the greatest invention in the communication system. It is
the worldwide network of computer. Its uses and functions are smooth, easy and
rapid. A students who knows just the keys of computer, can communicate anywhere
he wishes. Internet communication is now the latest communication in the world.
A computer and a telephone connection are required to get an Internet
connection. There are two types of Internet such as Dial up and Broad Band.
Internet has great usefulness. To get appropriate information a person has to
communicate in the appropriate address. One can also go to a search engine like
Yahoo, Goggle for finding particular page or a piece of information. A search
engine is a system through which you can search for information on Web pages
containing that information. By using Internet students can go through several
books from the libraries without going there. They can seek information
regarding admission to different foreign universities. But it is a matter to
sorrow that many people of Bangladesh do not have still access to Internet
because it is still costly and not easily available.
My last day at school
student has to study in different institutions in different spheres of life.
Accordingly I left my school for higher studies. Before leaving school, I want
to recall some events concerning my school. My last day at school is a
memorable day to me. The students of our school bade us farewell on this day.
The hall room was nicely decorated. Separate arrangement was made for us to
sit. Our respected teachers took their seat on this dais. One of our teachers
called out our names. We went up the dais one by one and the students gave us
flowers and the headmaster gave the copy of “YOU WILL WIN” By Shib Kahake. With
the gift we took our seats. Students delivered their short speech and begged
forgiveness for our misdeed if any. Our teachers gave us valuable advice. The
function being over, we were entertained with refreshment. Then left the school
compound. Standing on the road I looked back home with a heavy heart.
The man who delivers letters,
parcels, and money orders from door to door is a postman. A postman is very
punctual and dutiful. The works of a postman begins in the morning. He wears a
different dress and it is a khaki uniform. The postman carries across his
shoulders a bag containing letters, parcels and money orders and other postal
articles. He is very useful to the people and his work is very important and
responsible. He goes from one house to another to deliver letters money orders
and other postal articles to the proper addresses. A postman can make us both
happy and unhappy. When he brings letters of good news, we become happy. He
renders and great service to the society. He is such a great friend to us that
everybody we expect his nock on the door. He behaves amiably with all. The
economic condition of a postman is very miserable. Though he works very hard he
gets a very small salary. With it, he cannot maintain his family decently. So
he leads a miserable life. No doubt he serves the society as well as the
country greatly in the field of postal communication. He should be given good
salary so that he can leads a better life and service us well.
Home I live in
A home is a place where a man
lives with his near and dear ones. Everybody is closely related with all the
things around it. My home is my heaven. Home is the place that I like the most.
My home is a one storied building consisting of five rooms. It is situated
under the shade of the trees. It stands in the midst of beauties of nature. The
green trees also surround it. My home is not only airy but also well lighted.
So, even in the midst of scorching heat it remains cools and comfortable. There
is small flower garden in front of my home. I spend leisure hours there. My
home faces the south. Open fresh gentle breeze is flowing through the open
window of my home. After the toils of the day, I get exhausted and grow mad to
get back home. My home is a sort of fascination to me. Staying away from home
for few days I feel homesick. To me my home is really the sweetest place on the
earth. I am proud of my sweet little home.
Tree plantation means the process of
planting trees .Now a days it has become a social movement in our country.
Trees are a great boon to us. They are related with our life and well-being.
The boons and benefits derived from them are too many to count. Trees provide
us shelter, food, fruits, firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from
fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air pollution and floods. They also
effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides. They are essential
to maintain ecological balance and preservation of fauna. We all should plant
and grow more and more trees and protect them. Social forestry should be taken
on a large scale and trees should be grown all around where in space. Trees add
to the beauty and quality of our life and living. We have to plant trees in
every bare space of land, the sea beaches, the low –lying areas, the
road sides should be brought under deforestation. We cannot think our existence
without trees. People should grow more and more trees to improve our adverse
situation. The result of tree plantation will be positive for human being in
every sphere of life.
Mobile Phone
phone is an important medium of communication and correspondence, which helps
intercommunication with the people in the shortest possible time. The use of
mobile phone is more convenient than telephone call. The man who sends the
message will have to pay the bill but the receiver can respond to the message
without any payment.specilly businessmen and the serviceman are much benefited
through the use of mobile phone. It is useful for the doctor, businessman and
high officials. But it is also useful for the people who is shopping and supplying
in valuable information in his house. Sometimes, the criminals are using this
phone to maintain their society. By using the Mobile phone, the terrorists and
criminals carry out their evil designs and commit crimes with much difficulty.
In spite of this there is no better alternative to mobile phone .To make the
latest civilization for communication and correspondence
Dowry system
means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married
.Now a days the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage is more prevalent
in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh this is seen to be major problem. In the
Bangladeshi society this system is treated as a serious problem. Wife is
inhumanly tortured and killed by her husband for dowry. Most of the parents are
poor. They cannot keep up their word they give before marrying off their
daughters. This leads to chaos and hellish unhappiness. However, the first
thing to be done to stop this malpractice is to grow awareness among all.
Movement against dowry system should declare right now. We cannot get ride of
this social vice by taking social reformative works urgently.
pollution means arsenic contaminated water. Of late arsenic
pollution has become one of the most health hazards in Bangladesh. By drinking
arsenic water ,people get the disease. Arsenic is a fatal poison. It has been
deposited in that layer of the soil from here our tube-wells pump out water. As
a result in most areas of Bangladesh tube-well water in contaminated with
arsenic. Arsenic pollution has made the scarcity of drinking water acute though
our country is water-rich. The irony of fate is that “water, water everywhere
nor a drop to drink.” It is a hard nut to crack. Our ignorant people are
drinking arsenic polluted water from tube wells and are human being affected by
arsenicosis. Those who do not eat fish and vegetables are easily affected.
Arsenic is such a poison that is damages all the vital organs ore after another
resulting in the subsequent death o the sufferer. Arsenicosis has no remedy nor
has it any antidote. Hence arsenic pollution demands utmost attention. An
affected person should drink arsenic free water and take vitamins A,C,E to come
round. Arsenic polluted water has been ter5med as the killing water. There has
been world wide awareness of this problem. Aids from different corners are
reaching. Deep tube wells rainwater, reservoirs, surface water treatment, etc
may be the pragmatic measures to minimize the problem to a great extent.
A Garment
Persons working in a garments
factory are garments workers. An ordinary garments worker in our country leads
very laborious life. His/her day starts very early in the morning and ends at
about 10 p.m. She/he starts for working place at about 7 am. She/he is to pass
a long way everyday to reach the factory. She/he goes to the factory on foot.
Sometimes on the way to the destination, she /he is teased with slang words
from various corners. He/she is to tolerate all bad comments. In the factory,
he/she works in a congested room. There is no seat to sit upon. She eats the
poor lunch with her colleagues in the factory. Almost everyday he/she takes
his/her lunch from home. She is given a break for half an hour. Within this time
she cannot take lunch from her house. She works in the factory for long hours
till deep at night. She likes working in a factory rather than in a household.
She is used to do over working. Though he/she gets very poor salary, she/he
expends it very wisely. She/he leads very simple life. In a word, a major
portion of national income depends upon his/her hard work. So he/she should
have better opportunities in the factory and society to led better life.
A Street Hawker
A man who sells various things by
moving from street to street is a street hawker. He is a self-employed person.
He is the familiar figure in the cities and towns. He raises a strange outcry
to draw the attention of his customers .He wears a peculiar dress of different
colours. He tries to attract the attention of the customers by using different
tricks. He carries his goods either in bundles or in a basket. Sometimes he
walks about with his goods on a wheeled platform. His customers are usually children
and women. As they credulous they agree to pay whatever price he demands. So He
does not like elderly men. He usually sells toys. Cosmetics, ready-made
garments, daily necessaries, utensils and balloons of various colors and
shapes. Children gather round him and woman hail him. He is a clever man. He
goes out his moving shop when the elderly people are out on duty or business.
He demands higher price for his things but he sells his things at a cheaper
rate. However he is an expected person for some people. Although he works hard,
his life is miserable. All most all the time he leads a subhuman life.
The man who catches fish to live is
a fisherman. Generally a fisherman lives in a village near a river or a sea. He
is hard working and painstaking. He uses nets and boats in fishing. Some
fishermen have nets but no boats. Some who have boats and nets employ the boat
less ones and work in a group. A fisherman is always at work. While at home he
repairs his boats or nets and he paints his boats or dyes his nets. He catches
fish in the seas, rivers, and beels. His women-folk make new nets; his children
dry fishes in the sun and sell them in the market. He works hard all day and
night. The life of a fisherman is very risky and challenging because there may
have storms and cyclones at any time. Some fishermen go to fish at night; some
go to fish in the deep water or in the sea from home for many days. When he
catches a lot of fish,his joy knows no bounds. After all a fisherman does much
good to us by supplying fishes.In spite of being hard working he can hardly
make both ends meet. Government should take some steps for the development of
minimum standard of their livelihood.
A man or
woman, who teaches the students in any educational institutions, is called a
teacher.A teacher is a person who teaches his or her students and discovers
their hidden treasures. He is a window opener for his students. A teacher opens
up a new vast knowledge for them. A good teacher is a friend, philosopher and a
guide to the students. He does everything to the students. He nurses the young
minds as carefully as the gardener handles the saplings. The importance of his
service knows no bounds .He teaches his students the methods of living because
a good teacher knows the modern method of teaching.
A day
A day labourer is a person who works
all day long for earning his living. He is a common figure in our society. He
and his family depend on his daily income. A day labourer gets up early in the
morning and goes out for work depending only on his manual labour.
He does different types of jobs such as carrying bricks,wood, stones, mud and
digging pons constructing of roads, buildings etc.He builds our buildings,
industries, bridges and thus he serves our country. Though he works all day
long, his income condition is miserable. If he can not earn a day his family is
to starve.He feels happy when he earns the needful amount but becomes sad when
he finds no work to do or gets physically ill.
Farmer/The life of a farmer
A farmer is he whose profession is
agriculture. He is most common figure in our country. Basically he is the main
force of economy. He is called the father of food production. But they are
devaluated. Without his role our country cannot go ahead. A farmer gets up
early in the morning and then goes to the field to work. He works in the field all
day long and procedures different kinds of crops. When a farmer produces good
harvest , he enjoys a happy life with his family. His face beams with joy. But
when he cannot produce good harvest, he enjoys a miserable life.
A Birthday Party
The day,
in which a man is born, is celebrated as birthday to make it memorable. In our
country rich people are seen to celebrate this day festively .In this day, the
drawing room is beautifully decorated. Friends, relatives, well wishers are
invited on this occasion. A special cake is ordered for celebrating this day.
Besides, different kinds of delicious dishes are prepared. At the appointed
time the invited guests begin to come and are welcomed by the person for which
the day is being celebrated. At the appointed time the time the person
concerned merrily cuts the cake. A round of applause follows. Plates full of
delicious food items are then handed round. Everybody falls to with a good deal
of zest. The eating is accompanied by a lot of taking and giggling. Camera is clicked
on. After the meal, jokes may be made. Then the presents given by the invited
guests may be unpacked one by one. And the person concerned expresses his or
her gratitude to the guests. And the party may be rounded off with a chorus “
Happy birthday to you”.
Baishakhi Mela
A Mela is an occasional
event. Baishakhi Mela is a fair held every year in the month of Baishakh amid
great festivity and merriment. Baishakhi Mela is the reflection of the true
picture of Bangladesh. It is a part and parcel of Bengalee culture.
Baishakhi Mela is such a celebration when the people of our country become
together to welcome their culture without being drowned in the illusion of
western culture. Bangladeshi having the taste of rich culture and tradition.
The largest Baisahaki Mela of the country is held at Ramana Batamul.
People of all ages-poor and rich, children and adults, men and women,
illiterate and educated of our country participate in this Mela putting on
traditional dresses and enjoy the best of it according to their area of
interest. Peoples are gathered with carrying festoons, play cards Banners etc.
It upraises the traditions and national heritage with assemblage of delicate
woven clothes, potters, top, handicrafts, needle work and so on. One of the
most attractive events is a lottery. It attracts the people of all ages. Huge
numbers of people are seen in the lottery stalls. Bangladeshi foods are sold in
small shopkeepers. Some shopkeepers sell artificial goods of our daily uses.
Little boys and girls cry and make noise for their toys. Young, old and
children visit the stall and buy different things with utmost enthusiasm. A
cultural programmed is held in the Mela. A lot of singers sing Bengali traditional
songs like Jari, Shari, Bhatiali,folk song.People also come to these functions
with spontaneity and enthusiasm. In addition to these, people enjoy circus,
merry go round and Jatra as special attractions. Such Melas go on all through
the month and witness huge rush in the evening time and holidays.There fore,
Baishakhi Mela is considered the most significant medium of expressing our
sincerity to our culture, heritage and tradition and increase our fraternity.
International Mother Language Day
international mother language day is a day, which is observed internally. It is
related to the mother language of the world. As a result of the proposition of
Bangladesh government, the day was recognized by UNESCO. From then the day came
into existence. People generally pass the day by way of attending the seminar
on the day. They paid a wreath in the Shaheed Minar . At that time everybody is
barefooted.They go there with a procession. People who takes part in the
procession are singing a chorus “ Amar Bhiar Rokte Ranghano Ekushey
February, Ami ki Bhulite pari”. The day has a great significance for us.
Because on that day of 1952, our Golden sons laid down their valuable lives for
the recognisation of our mother tongue. As a Bangalee, I am proud of the day.
Because the day got recognition internationally and it is now observed all over
the world.
Moonlit Night
A moonlit night in which the full
noon shines in its entire glory in the sky is called a moonlit night.In the
autumn the sky remains cloudless and the moon looks like a big silver disc in
the sky. The moon’s rays reflecting on seas, rivrs, ponds and hills create a
music spell.The smooth rays of the moon please our eyes and mind.The natural
beauty of a moonlit night can better be realized than described. People feel
great joy. Children play and run about. Men and women go from one house to
another. Women sit in the yard and gossip.Lower animals take the moonlit for
day and start roaming about.The moonlit night reminds us the mystery of
creation of Allah. We can evaluate the moonlit night as offering a charming
sight to all living beings.
A School Library
A library is a storehouse of
knowledge. Library satisfies our eternal knowledge of the unknown
and the unseen. A library plays an important role in the realm of knowledge. A
library is a part and parcel of a school. No school is complete without
library. Our school has a big library. It is housed in two separate two-storied
building. The library has a good collection. There are many almirahs. The books
are arranged in different shelves according to the subjects. The reading room
and the office room of the librarian are separate. The librarian has some
assistants. There is a big reading room. The reading room is well furnished.
When we take the help of a catalogue, the assistants at once find the book and
help us. We are issued library cards. We can borrow books after two weeks. In
the reading room we can read as many as books as we like. Silence is must here.
Nobody is allowed to make noise. I am proud of my school library.
Eve Teasing
Now-a-days ‘Eve Teasing’ is the burning question in our country. It has already become a social curse. When girls are teased by men or boys, it is called Eve Teasing. Eve Teasing is bringing many disorders to our society. As we live in a male dominated society, girls are always dominated by men. At present girls can’t move freely for the eve teaser. Since the victim of Eve Teasing is girl so it needs no telling that the eve teasers are boys. Some rude, impolite and bad guys of our society are often seen to disturb the girls. Generally frustrated and those who take drugs tease the girls. They don’t realize that women belong to our mother class. Eve teasers are generally seen in front of the schools, colleges, bus stands and some busy public places. They eagerly wait for the arrival of girls. It seems that they have no work but tease the girls. At present they are the biggest criminals of the country. It generally occurs when a boy fails to win the mind of the girl. If a boy offers his love to a girl and if the girls refuses his love she must be fallen the victim of Eve Teasing by the boy. Sometimes girls commit suicide for being the victim of Eve Teasing. But we all know that it takes two to make a quarrel. Girls are also responsible for such kind of bad practice. At present girls are seen moving freely wearing sex appealing dresses. As a result it attracts the boys. So girls should be moderate in their dresses and wandering. Now it’s time to stop the bad practice. Government is very aware to eradicate Eve Teasing from the country. A strong law has already been passed against Eve Teasing Every educated and conscious person of the society should come forward to help the Government so that it can be removed easily from our country. We all should respect our women folk because they are the part of our life, our society and after all part of our country.
Now-a-days ‘Eve Teasing’ is the burning question in our country. It has already become a social curse. When girls are teased by men or boys, it is called Eve Teasing. Eve Teasing is bringing many disorders to our society. As we live in a male dominated society, girls are always dominated by men. At present girls can’t move freely for the eve teaser. Since the victim of Eve Teasing is girl so it needs no telling that the eve teasers are boys. Some rude, impolite and bad guys of our society are often seen to disturb the girls. Generally frustrated and those who take drugs tease the girls. They don’t realize that women belong to our mother class. Eve teasers are generally seen in front of the schools, colleges, bus stands and some busy public places. They eagerly wait for the arrival of girls. It seems that they have no work but tease the girls. At present they are the biggest criminals of the country. It generally occurs when a boy fails to win the mind of the girl. If a boy offers his love to a girl and if the girls refuses his love she must be fallen the victim of Eve Teasing by the boy. Sometimes girls commit suicide for being the victim of Eve Teasing. But we all know that it takes two to make a quarrel. Girls are also responsible for such kind of bad practice. At present girls are seen moving freely wearing sex appealing dresses. As a result it attracts the boys. So girls should be moderate in their dresses and wandering. Now it’s time to stop the bad practice. Government is very aware to eradicate Eve Teasing from the country. A strong law has already been passed against Eve Teasing Every educated and conscious person of the society should come forward to help the Government so that it can be removed easily from our country. We all should respect our women folk because they are the part of our life, our society and after all part of our country.
I am Shima. I live in Dhaka. I am
nine years old. I am a student. I read in class V. The name of my school is
Rotary School. My father’s name is Arif Ahmed. He is a teacher. My
mother’s name is Shamima Akhter. She is a housewife. I have one brother and one
sister. They both are students. I have a pet. It is a cat. I call it Mimi. It
likes fish and milk. My favourite hobby is gardening and reading books. My
favourite game is football.
A firefighter is a man whose job is
putting out fires.Raju is a firefighter. His main job is putting fires.He also
trains young people to become firefighters. In his free time, Raju likes to
visit schools. He speaks about preventing fires. He tells the students what to
do if there is a fire. He also tells them that they should be physically fit,
brave and careful to be firefighter.
Home Town
The name of my home town is
Kishoregonj. It is district town. It is only 145 kilometers north-east of
Dhaka. It consists of 8 municipalities, 13 upazilas. 110 unions and 1794
village. Its area is 19.57 square kilometers. There are many important places
in and around this town. They are Solakia Eid ground, Pagla Mosque etc. it is also
famous for great personalities like Syed Nazrul Islam, the first acting
president of Bangladesh, Sukumar Roy and the great master of painting, Zainul
Abedin. I am proud of my home town.
Liberation War Museum
On 17 the November our school
arranged a visit to the Liberation War Museum at Segunbagicha, Dhaka.The visit
was planned by our teachers as a part of our study. We went there by bus with
our class Teacher. A guide helped us visiting different galleries and
exhibitions of the museum. There were six galleries that exhibited rare
photographs, documents, news-paper clippings and objects used by the freedom
fighters and martyrs of our liberation war. We spent there for two hours. Before
leaving, we watched a video film on our liberation war and our independence. It
was an experience we never forget.
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is the world’s
biggest sports competition. More than 200 nations participate in it. It takes
place every four years. The tradition of the Olympic Games is introduced in
Greece about 3000 years ago. The Greeks first hold it at the foot of the Mount
Olympus. A French man named Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. He is called the father of modern Olympic
Games. Now 13,000 athletes compete in 33 different sports events in the Olympic
Games. The world has already enjoyed 30 Olympic Games. The 30th Olympic Games
took place in London, in 2012.
evening activities/What I usually do in the evening
I am Shima I am a student. I read in
class V.I have a daily routine. I always do my duties according to
this routine. In the evening, I usually wash my face and hands and say my
evening prayer. Then I take some light foods. I go to my reading room to
read and read attentively. First, I complete my home works for the class and
then I read others. At 9 pm I complete my study and also complete my prayer. After that I sit to read and
prepare my lesson till 9 pm. I watch TV from 9 pm to 10 pm. At 10 I take
my dinner with my parents. I help my mother in washing and cleaning. Then I brush my teeth. I go to
bed at 10.30.
of Birthday
A birthday is a day when somebody
was born. Children around the world have fun on this day. Parents ask other
children to come and have a party. They wear new clothes, sing songs, play
games and enjoy the day in different ways. There is usually a birthday cake.
Candles are lit on it. The party starts with the cutting of the cake. A chorus
song starts wishing happiness for the child who is having a birthday party. All
sit and eat together. All join in cutting jokes and making merriment.
The family is a basic social unit
consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, I am a
student. I read in class V.I live with my family. We are a small family. It
consists of my father, mother, grandmother, my younger sister and myself. My
father’s name is Amin Ahmed. He is a teacher. My mother’s name is Shima
Akter.She is very religious. She takes care of our family carefully. My grandmother
is about sixty but still active. She helps my mother in household works. My
young sister reads in class III. She is also a brilliant student. We help each
other in our work. It seems to me, our family is a sweet Paradise. I am really
proud of living in such a family.
Leisure time
Leisure time means free
time. Routine work makes life boring and monotonous. Leisure is essential
to enjoy life. It is time for enjoying oneself. People spend their leisure
time by doing different activities like reading, writing, drawing, walking,
fishing, watching TV, gardening etc. I am a student. I have also some free
time. In my leisure time, I read story books. Sometimes I read English
newspaper. It makes me strong in English. I also go to the playground and play
football and cricket.
Bangladesh is my country. It became
independent in 1971. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It has 64 districts.
Its land area is 1,47,570 squire kilometers. The population of Bangladesh is
140 million. The main crops of this country are rice, jute, tea, sugar-cane
etc. Mangoes, Jack-fruits, Pine-apples, Guavas, Watermelons are most common
fruits of this country. The Sundarbans is the only mangrove forest of this
country. The Royal Bengal Tiger lives in this forest. Cox’s Bazar is the
longest sea beach in the world. It is 120 kilometers long. Bangladesh is a
peaceful country. I love my country.
Saint Martin’s Island
Saint Martin’s Island is the only
coral island in Bangladesh. It is a small island in the north-eastern part of
the Bay of Bengal. The local name of the island is “Narikel Jinjira.” The
island is enriched with coral of different shapes and colors and the sea
turtles. The inhabitants of the island depend largely on fishing for
livelihood, as there is a variety of sea fishes. The island has become a
popular tourist spot. It is 26 nautical miles away from Teknaf. One can go
there by sea bus. It is only about a 2 and half hours journey from Teknaf. The
island is full of natural beauties. Tourists come to visit here every year
Young Heroes
Young boys
are called Young heroes for their important activities or roles in the society.
Young heroes are brave, sincere and responsible in their duties. Anwar and
Kashem, Rina and Luna are young heroes for their helpful activities. Though
they were young, they acted like heroes. One afternoon Rina’s grandmother fell
down on the street. They felt the necessity of taking her to the hospital. Actually
it was a responsible work. Rina behaved responsibly by taking care of Tunu. She
entertained her with a nice story. Young heroes are also very conscious about
social progress. They try to improve their lot and condition. Some students
wanted to make a garden. They discussed with their teacher and collected all
the necessary things for the garden and made a garden in their school. They
worked very hard in their garden. Their teacher praised them highly. That is
why, like those young heroes, we all the young people should work properly as
we are called young heroes.
is a very joyful and enjoyable occasion. In our text, an old lady named Mrs
Siddiqua Murshed had an accident and hurt herself badly. She was taken to the
hospital. While she was taken to the hospital, Anwar and Kashem helped her a
lot. When Rina’s parents went to hospital, Rina looked after her younger
brother herself. With the help of some young people, Mrs Siddiqua Murshed came
round soon very quickly. After a week, she returned home and decided to invite
those young people on a school holiday and their parents for a lunch as well as
for a celebration. On the celebration day, all the invited guests arrived. The
celebration began at 1 p.m. Everyone sat down and Mrs Murshed made a short
speech. She thanked everybody for coming to the party. She said that she had an
accident but she had come round soon very quickly for the help of some young
responsible persons there. They really behaved very responsibly and she felt proud
of them. Finally, she requested everyone to enjoy the lovely lunch.
annual cultural week of our school
solvent school celebrates it annual cultural week every year. Different
programmes are arranged on this day. Like many other schools, the annual
cultural week of our school was held from 10th January to
16th January this year. The students decorated the school compound nicely.
A committee is formed for observing the week. The Headmaster was the chief patron.
The opening programme was inaugurated by the local M.P. During the days of the
week, many competitions were held. On the last day, the education minister and
our Headmaster gave away the prizes among the winners. After that, a cultural
programme was held. The students of class 8 staged a drama which pleased the
students. Its memory will remain ever fresh in our mind.
is the act of making a garden. It is one of the most interesting of all
pursuits that people have. It is usually followed during leisure. To make a
garden is a difficult work but it is very interesting. At first one has to
select a suitable piece of land which is always sunny, fertile where water does
not stand during the rainy season. One needs to plough the land properly for
sowing seeds and planting seedlings. One can grow both vegetables and a flower
in the garden. After sowing seeds one has to put a fence around the garden to
protect from the animals. One needs to work in the garden regularly. The final
steps of gardening are watering plants everyday. Nursing is also very necessary
for it. Weeds should be pulled out regularly to keep the garden neat and clean.
These are the process of making a garden.
Your First day at school
¯‹z‡ji cÖ_g w`b)
My First day at school is a
memorable day in my life. I was very nervous when I was going to my new school.
I went to my new school with my father. At first I met the head teacher of the
school. He was serious but kind man. He told me that I would enjoy the school
because it is a friendly place. I was a little bit nervous. I met a lot of
students in the new class. At first I was unknown to them. I talked to them
gently. I had a busy day. This is how I passed my first day at my new school. I
wrote some names of the students in my diary. The day was really an enjoyable
day to me.
A Magician
The man who shows magic is called
a magician. Magic is nothing but the tricks of a man. A magician maintains his
family by showing magic. He is very intelligent and alert. A magician shows
magic and casts spells and turns the shape of things. From our text, we come to
learn about a famous magician called Frankel.He was a good magician because he
only used his magic spells to make bad people good. If they improved, he would
take his magic off(hv`y DwV‡q †bIqv). He used his magic spells to make his life easier
and comfortable. He also used his spells to make all the household chores. When
Frankel grew old, he appointed a boy called Hans to practice magic after death.
Hans was a smart, intelligent and hard working young boy. Sometimes magic
spells may cause harm to our life.
Vegetables of Bangladesh
Most of the people
of Bangladesh are dependent on agriculture. They grow many kinds of
vegetables in their fields and gardens. Vegetables are divided into two groups.
Some vegetables are grown in fixed seasons. Other vegetables are grown all the
year round and these vegetables are called all season vegetables. The
vegetables which grow in some fixed seasons are tomato, potato, and pumpkin.
All these vegetables contain many kinds of vitamins more or less. All season
vegetables are brinjal, colocasia, amaranth and okra. Colacasia has big green
leaves and a white root. We can eat the root only. Brinjal is also called
eggplant. Amaranth’s leaves are a bit larger. Okra is green. These all season
vegetables also contain so many vitamins. So we should grow all these
vegetables in our garden to fill up the demand of our necessary vegetables.
Knowledge is the real power of a
man. Real and deep information and data about something is known as knowledge.
When a man knows inward and outward aspects of something, we say that he has
knowledge about the particular thing. Knowledge is very essential in our life.
Without knowledge, we cannot do anything. A person without having any knowledge
is very unimportant to everybody. Knowledge shows us the way of going ahead. We
should enlighten us with knowledge. We can seeds plant seeds of knowledge in
our mind. But to acquire knowledge, one has to be eager and hardworking. An
idle man can never achieve knowledge. So he legs behind in the race of
acquiring knowledge in the world. So, to prosper in life, everybody should
obtain knowledge from both books and practical life. Besides a man who has
knowledge can easily make himself powerful. Knowledge and power are
inter-related. From this point, we must work ship knowledge, acquire knowledge
and utilize knowledge.
My Mother/My grandmother
(Avgvi gv/`v`x gv)
The person whom I pride on is my
mother. My mother name is------ .She is a gift of Allah. She is about --- years
old. She is well educated and well behaved. She loves all of our family
members. She says five times Prayer everyday. She also inspires us to say five
times prayer. She takes special care if any of our family members is ill. she
always wears simple dress. She leads a very simple life. She is very honest ,
kind , truthful ,helpful , sociable and open minded .She is very kind the poor
.She tries heart and soul to solve their problems
gardening and reading story books are her favourite
hobbies . Her personality is a model before me. I like her for her dutifulness
.She is dearest to me .Her heart always yearns for me I have been grown up
under her care and affection. Her joy knows no bounds when she finds me happy
.Everyday she teaches me when she finds time. So I am very proud of my mother.
My Parents (Avgvi wcZvgvZv)
The persons whom I pride on are my
parents. My parents are heaven(¯^M©) to me. No one is comparable with them. We owe
much to our parents for our birth(Rb¥), growing up(eo n‡q
DVv)and socialization(mvgvwRKi‡bi). (evevi bvg and(gv‡qi bvg)are my
Aby‡”Q‡`i cÖ_g jvBbwU ev` w`‡q m¤ú~Y© Ask GLv‡b wjL‡Z n‡e Z‡e evev
Gi †¶‡Î Person
cweeZ©b K‡i He wjL‡Z n‡e|)
I love and obey my parents. They are
my well wisher and best friend. I am proud of having such sweet parents.
A School Library (we`¨vjq MÖš’vMvi)
A School library is a part and
parcel of a school. It is very essential for both the students and the teachers. Our
school has a big library. It is located beside the office room. There some
benches in the library. The students sit on them and read books. There is chair
and table for the librarian. There are many almirahs in the library. There are so
many books in it. There are novels, ghost books, reference books, storybooks
text etc. All the books are well arranged. Both the teachers and the students
read books in the library. The students are allowed to read books for a week.
The library is our leisure companion. It helps to widen our knowledge. A school
library plays a vital role in spreading the light of education. I feel proud of
my school library because it contains a good number of books on various
Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means (ej‡Z eySvq) planting
more and more trees. It is essential (`iKvix) for our existence (Aw¯ÍZ¡). We cut
down trees to get timber (Kv‡Vi ¸wo) and firewood(R¡vjvbx
KvV). We also use trees as our housing
material. Cutting of too many trees leads the world to desert(gi“f~wg). It is a
responsible (`vqx) for greenhouse effect. Birds and animals are
losing their habitats (Avevm ¯’j). There will be no ecological balance .We cannot
live without oxygen. We get vitamins from the fruits of tree. The tree helps to
keep the environment balanced. It prevents (cÖwZ‡iva) air pollution by taking carbon-die oxide. It
saves (i¶v) the
world from turning (cwiYZ K‡i) into desert. It brings about rainfall. It
helps agricultural production. It saves soil from erosion. It keeps the soil
strong. It saves the houses from breaking on the river. It is a great source of
medicine for us. Everybody should plant trees. More and more trees should be
planted on both sides of roads. Tree plantation campaign should be continued
everywhere. Public awareness is essential to make the campaign successful. The
more we plant trees, the more we good for us.
A Birthday Party /A Weeding ceneremomey/A Prize
Giving ceremony
/A Cultural programme I enjoyed/A Freshers’ Reception
(N‡ivqv cwi‡e‡k †Kvb mvgvwRK Abyôvb ev Drme D`hvcb
wb‡q Aby‡”Q`)
Ceremony is matter of joy and
enjoyment. Last month I enjoyed a (--) . The arrangement of the Programmed was
so attractive that I will never forget it. Many guests were invited in the
programme. The invited guests were received with flowers. The preparations of
the programme started from sunrise. The place was decorated nicely with
colorful papers and balloons. The pandal is illuminated with multi colored
electric blubs. A nice gate was built at the entrance of the pandal. All the
people looked very busy at the programme. Some photographs were taken. At the
end of the programme, delicious foods were served. I am Lucky to have such an
event in my life. Such a day will remain ever fresh in my heart.
A Doctor
A Doctor is a well-known figure. He holds a unique position in the society. He is loved and respected by all. A Doctor is a qualified man. As a job Doctor is a noble profession. The service of a doctor is very important and essential for the society. By looking after the sick and the wounded persons a doctor performs one of the most important and essential services for humanity. When a sick or wounded person comes to a hospital, Doctor looks after him carefully. Once the job of Doctor was looked upon with hatred. But with the advancement of modern science and technology the narrow outlook has undergone a radical change. Now nobody neglects this profession. However, if anybody wants to be a doctor he or she will have to complete the training of four years M.B.B.S course successfully. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. He saves the poor peoples life from immature death.
A farmer
A farmer is he who earns his living by farming. Generally, a farmer lives in a village. In our country a farmer is usually poor. Most often he has no land of his own. So, he cultivates the land of others. He leads a very poor life. He does not get enough food to eat. Sometimes he has a little land. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his land. He works hard on his land from dawn to dusk. Even he works in rain or sun. During harvest he is on his land till late hour at night. He works very hard to prepare the land for planting or sowing seeds. Most often a farmer is illiterate. He cannot apply the scientific method of cultivation on his land. The lot of a farmer depends on the whim of nature. Sometimes crops fail due to natural calamities like droughts and floods. Then the misery of a farmer beggars description. The driving force of our economy is agriculture. So his contribution to our national economy is great. I like the work of a farmer very much. The government should do something to improve the condition of a farmer.
A Doctor is a well-known figure. He holds a unique position in the society. He is loved and respected by all. A Doctor is a qualified man. As a job Doctor is a noble profession. The service of a doctor is very important and essential for the society. By looking after the sick and the wounded persons a doctor performs one of the most important and essential services for humanity. When a sick or wounded person comes to a hospital, Doctor looks after him carefully. Once the job of Doctor was looked upon with hatred. But with the advancement of modern science and technology the narrow outlook has undergone a radical change. Now nobody neglects this profession. However, if anybody wants to be a doctor he or she will have to complete the training of four years M.B.B.S course successfully. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. He saves the poor peoples life from immature death.
A farmer
A farmer is he who earns his living by farming. Generally, a farmer lives in a village. In our country a farmer is usually poor. Most often he has no land of his own. So, he cultivates the land of others. He leads a very poor life. He does not get enough food to eat. Sometimes he has a little land. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his land. He works hard on his land from dawn to dusk. Even he works in rain or sun. During harvest he is on his land till late hour at night. He works very hard to prepare the land for planting or sowing seeds. Most often a farmer is illiterate. He cannot apply the scientific method of cultivation on his land. The lot of a farmer depends on the whim of nature. Sometimes crops fail due to natural calamities like droughts and floods. Then the misery of a farmer beggars description. The driving force of our economy is agriculture. So his contribution to our national economy is great. I like the work of a farmer very much. The government should do something to improve the condition of a farmer.
Trees are very useful for men in various important ways. They provide us wood and many products. They give us shade. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us floods and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise of temperature. They give us oxygen. They prevent the rise of carbon dioxide worldwide. Tree gives us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save our house from cyclone. Trees protect us from the heat of sun. Many trees give us fruits. Tree helps to cause rain. Tree gives shelter to birds and animal. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
Trees are very useful for men in various important ways. They provide us wood and many products. They give us shade. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us floods and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise of temperature. They give us oxygen. They prevent the rise of carbon dioxide worldwide. Tree gives us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save our house from cyclone. Trees protect us from the heat of sun. Many trees give us fruits. Tree helps to cause rain. Tree gives shelter to birds and animal. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
Deforestation means cutting down
trees in large number. The causes of deforestation are many. People
cut down trees in large number to draw quick profit from them.
To get more space for cultivation, people are deforesting. Besides these, the
lucrative price of wood also allures people to cut trees.
This destruction disturbs our
ecological balance. The existence of animals are going to be threatened. Due to
deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is
becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world are going
to be engulfed by the sea in recent future. On the other hand, new areas of the
world are turning into deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. We may
face the problem of flood, soil erosion, drought etc. We can take many measures
to prevent deforestation. Tree plantation programme should be extended to
remove corner of the country. The government should make TV and radio programme
on the subject of afforestation. The common people should be informed
of the danger of deforestation.
A Book fair
Now –a
–days a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest
for books amongst the general mass(সাধারন জনতা). In a book fair a lot of
pavilions are set up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children
books, reference books(সহায়ক বই)
etc are displayed. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair becomes
crowded specially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a
book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural
programmes are also held. A book fair reminds us that books are our best
There always at our side when we are in danger. The change our outlook (দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি) on life and widen (প্রসারিত করা) our domain(জগত) of knowledge. It is books which
help us to forget jealousy(হিংসা),
and superstition(কুসংস্কার).
Again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.
The life of a
street beggar
Begging is not an employment. It is a curse to any
country. A street beggar is a familiar figure in towns and cities. He is
usually seen to beg sitting or standing by the roadsides, railway
stations or bus stands. A street beggar may be either male or female.
He is young or old, weak or strong. Blind and lame beggar is also seen there. A
street beggar looks strange with dirty and torn cloths. A street beggar has his
own way of life and mode of approaching for alms. He tries his best to draw the
sympathy of the passers-by with his peculiar voice. Someone takes pity on him
and gives a coin or two and go on his way. Again, someone becomes disgusted
with his loud shouts and avoids him. A street beggar usually gets a small
amount and finds it hard to support himself and his family. Infect, he leads a
hard and miserable life.
National Flag
National Flag
Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom. Ours is an independent country. Hence we have a national flag. Our national flag is bright deep green. It is rectangular in shape. Its length and breadth is in the ratio of 5:3. It is made of cloth of cotton, silk or linen. The background of our flag is green which symbolizes our life and energy. In the middle point of the flag there is a blood-red circle representing our hard struggle and blood-shed of the martyrs. The national flag plays a vital role in the life of a nation. It separates nation from other nation. We must uphold it above everything, even at the cost of our life. We never dare to dishonour it nor shall it be dishonoured. This should be the oath of our life.
21st February
21st February has given us a unique identity in the whole world. Long before achieving our freedom the glorious sacrifice of the heroic sons made us familiar with other nations of the world. The seeds of our freedom actually remained hidden in the incident of 21st February. The people of this country could easily understand that the separation from the Pakistani rule was a necessary when the attack on language came. The utmost and invaluable significance of the day has drawn the attention of the global community which now observes the day as International Mother Language Day.
It bears a special significance without any doubt. Now question arises how much or how far have we achieved after a pretty long sixty years of the Language Movement. It witnessed the supreme sacrifice of Salam, Jabbar, Barkat, Rafique and many others. The month-long Ekushay Book Fair is a unique creation which originated from the Language Movement. Every year this book fair gains new momentum.
It is undoubtedly a great news that Bangladesh is not the only country that celebrates International Mother Language Day on 21st February . On 21st February International Mother Language Day is recognized worldwide and on 17th November 1999 it was announced as such by UNESCO. It observance was formally recognized by General Assembly of the United Nations. This universal fame and honour we have achieved through this glorious day and it has come through the sacrifice of our heroic sons. It is our promise that we must further glorify our language .
21st February has given us a unique identity in the whole world. Long before achieving our freedom the glorious sacrifice of the heroic sons made us familiar with other nations of the world. The seeds of our freedom actually remained hidden in the incident of 21st February. The people of this country could easily understand that the separation from the Pakistani rule was a necessary when the attack on language came. The utmost and invaluable significance of the day has drawn the attention of the global community which now observes the day as International Mother Language Day.
It bears a special significance without any doubt. Now question arises how much or how far have we achieved after a pretty long sixty years of the Language Movement. It witnessed the supreme sacrifice of Salam, Jabbar, Barkat, Rafique and many others. The month-long Ekushay Book Fair is a unique creation which originated from the Language Movement. Every year this book fair gains new momentum.
It is undoubtedly a great news that Bangladesh is not the only country that celebrates International Mother Language Day on 21st February . On 21st February International Mother Language Day is recognized worldwide and on 17th November 1999 it was announced as such by UNESCO. It observance was formally recognized by General Assembly of the United Nations. This universal fame and honour we have achieved through this glorious day and it has come through the sacrifice of our heroic sons. It is our promise that we must further glorify our language .
Your school magazine
A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well established school publishes it every year. It contains poems, articles and short stories. The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. The editors have to work hard to publish it. The school magazine is an important thing for students. A student fell proud when he finds his writing in print. The students can learn many things from it. The school also reflects academic and co curricular activities of the school. In a word school magazine is the mirror of a school.
A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well established school publishes it every year. It contains poems, articles and short stories. The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. The editors have to work hard to publish it. The school magazine is an important thing for students. A student fell proud when he finds his writing in print. The students can learn many things from it. The school also reflects academic and co curricular activities of the school. In a word school magazine is the mirror of a school.
A moonlit night
A moonlit night is really pleasing. It gives a
nice view. The moon shines in the cloudless sky with all her gleams. She looks
like a glossy dish of silver. The sparkling stars twinkle around the moon and
make her more beautiful. The sky looks like a canopy beautified with the
shining moon and glittering stars. The moon washes the whole world
with her silvery light. Everything appears to be coated with silver, rivers,
canals and roofs seen to smile in the splendid moon beam. The trees and
creepers look bright and sparkling. A moonlit might in the rural areas
of Bangladesh really offers a beautiful sight. Dazzling light removes
the gloom of the night. It offers a sight that cheers the mind and leaves a
deep impression on it.
growth in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a small country. The
total land area of Bangladesh is 1, 47,570 square kilometers. But it
is densely populated. It is the eighth largest country of the world
in population. Its population is over sixteen cores. About 981 people live
per spare kilometer. The growth rate of population is 21.1 per
thousand. It is a high rate. It our population grows at such high rate, it will
surely is double will need many additional things. They will need food,
clothes, houses, schools, hospitals etc. But Bangladesh cannot afford
to meet all these additions things. So, we should take preventive steps to
control the growth of our population. Otherwise all hopes and joust of our
people will be nipped in the bud.
Problems of poly bag/Poly bag Problems
Our environment is becoming more and
more polluted day by day. Many elements are polluting our environment. Poly bag
is one of the most dreadful elements. It is more harmful than useful to use
poly bags. It blocks the sewerage and the regular flow of the drain water. It
also causes flood and water-clogging problem. It obstructs the rain-water
flowing to the drays. It is also a potential threat to all cultivable
land. It causes low-laying areas to go under water. We can recall the longest
tasting flood in 1998. Flood-water remained in many parts of Dhaka for over two
months. We should therefore stop using poly bags without delay and use jute,
cloth or paper bags as substitutes. The sooner we can stop using poly nags, the
better-the better for a happier and healthier life.
A Street
Now-a-day a street accident has become
a common incident in Bangladesh. Everyday we find the news of street
accident in the daises. Some days ago, a tragic accident took place just before
my eyes at decider. A boy was crossing the road near Tejgaon Model College. A
bus with full speed was coming from the opposite direction. When the
boy saw the bus a few yards near him he got puzzled. Suddenly he turned and
started to scroll the road. He had just moved to the middle of the road and the
bus ran over him. The bus stopped with a loud sound. A crowd rushed to the
spot. I ran to the boy and in the twinkling of an eye and I was that he was
senseless. There was blood flowing on the street. I took the wounded boy into a
car and told the driver to proceed to the upazilla health complex.
There the doctors and nurses took every care of them. But it is a
matter of great regret that he died there. I could not bear
to watch the scene. I came back home with heavy heart.
A Village
A village doctor is a familiar figure
in the villages. Who is a private practitioner? Generally he may not be a
registered doctor. His receives sue training by working under a qualified
doctor for some years. He has a dispensary in his house. He gets up early in
the morning. He then attends his patients. He treats his patients very
carefully. He gives them advice and medicine. After finishing his duty there,
he goes out to see other patients in the villages. Sometime
he spends the whole night patients. His presence and affectionate
touch fill the patients with hope and courage. But he takes small fees from the
patients. Very often he gives free treatment to the poor. Kelly a
village doctor is an important figure to the villagers. He is loved and
respected by all. He is not any a doctor but also a friend to the villagers.
Ways Of Keeping Good Health
There is a wise saying,
"Health is wealth". Good health means the soundness of
body and mind. The body which is free from all sorts of diseases is
considered to be healthy. A man or woman can keep good health by
observing rules of health, eating balanced food and living a disciplined
life. The basic need of keeping good health are eating a balanced
diet, drinking pure uncontaminated water and inhaling pure air. A good
food always does not mean a costly food. One should take food considering
its food value. A balanced diet contains all ingredients of
food-carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, mineral salt and water.
One should keep food covered so that flies, cockroach and other
insects do not contaminate it. One should not drink polluted water. One can get
of water-borne diseases only by drinking pure water. Again, one can get
rid of respiratory diseases by living in an environment which is free
from air pollution. So, to keep in good health we need an
environment which is free from air pollution, water pollution, noise
pollution and menus pollution.
How to
make a cup of Tea
Making tea is not difficult at all. You
have to do certain things to make a cup of tea. First you need some
tea dust (or, leave), water, milk, sugar, a clean pot, a filter, a cup, a
tea-spoon etc. to do it. Next, boil one and half a cup of water in the pot for
five minutes. Then put about two tea-spoonfuls of tea-dust into
the boiling water. After a few minutes, pour this liquid into the cup
through the filter. After that, add one tea spoonful of sugar and little milk
with it. Finally, you have to stir it with the tea-spoon. That is how a cup of
tea is made.
Dowry System
Dowry is the money or
property that is demanded by the bridegroom when he marries a bride. The
system of dowry has now become a curse to the society. The torture upon the
women by men is a very common sight of today. Sometimes the women become a
victim of loss of life as a result of the torture by their husbands. The main
reason of dowry is negative attitude of the parents of the bridegroom and
the lack of education of the bride. The bridegroom takes dowry and
the womenfolk become victims of dowry. The dowry system affects the whole
society. The parents of the bride sell properties and become penniless to
fulfill the demand of the bridegroom. Sometimes they cannot keep their word
they give before getting their daughters marrying. On the other hand, the
bridegroom gets huge property without any efforts. I have the social vice. This
social curse can be eliminated by making womenfolk educated and self-dependent.
The men folk also should be given proper education to change their attitude.
In recent years the
world's climate is undergoing a significant change and that is the world's
temperature is increasing day by day. This increase in global warming is called greenhouse effect. This is caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. The 24 km thick
ozone layer which protects us and the earth from the ultra violet ray of the
sun is being destroyed by chlorofluorocarbon dioxides; methane, nitrous-oxide
and other gases. As a result, violet ray of the sun enter the earth which not
only warm up the earth but also causes serious diseases like cancer, immunity
etc. The temperature will be increased and there will be deluges, sea
level rise, ecological balance of the earth will be ruined. Realizing the
dangers, steps should be taken to find out fruitful possibilities of
international collaboration for the global problem.
Deforestation means cutting down
trees in large number. The causes of deforestation are many. People
cut down trees in large number to draw quick profit from them.
To get more space for cultivation people are deforesting. Besides these, the
lucrative price of wood also allures people to cut trees. This
destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existence of animals is going
to be threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide.
As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many
parts of the world are going to be engulfed by the sea in recent future. On the
other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as an immediate
effect of deforestation. We may face the problem of flood, soil erosion,
drought etc. We can take many measures to prevent deforestation. Tree
plantation programme should be expanded to the remote corner of the country.
The government should make TV and radio programme on the subject of
afforestation. The common people should be informed of the danger of
Pahela Baishakh
Pahela Baishakh is the first day to the
Bangla year. The day is celebrated with traditional festivities across the
country. Different Socio-cultural organizations draw up elaborate
programmed to celebrate the day’s public holiday. This day’s first programmed
begins at down at Ramana Batamul. A large number of people wearing traditional
dresses come to attend the programme. National dailies bring out special
supplements focusing on the implications of the day. Bangladesh betar
and Bangladesh Television air special programmed on the
occasion. A leading culture organization called chhayanat organizes
the programmed every year. Shilpakala academy, jatiya press club. Bulbul
Lalitakala academy etc. also hold cultural functions. In fact, pahela baishakh
has become an outstanding occasion with the life of the Bangladesh.
Our National
National flag is a piece of fabric
with a special colored design used as the token of a particular country. It is
the symbol of independence of a nation. Every nation of the worlds has
proportion of its length and breadth is 10:6. Our national flag is a
piece of rectangular green cloth with a round read dislike patch in the middle.
The radius of the red circle is one-fifth of the length of the flag.
The green color represents the admirations of youthful vigor as well
as well as the green field and the ever green subtropical forest of Bangladesh.
The red circle symbolizes the rising sun with new hopes and aspiration
of nation. The flag is hoisted everyday on top of our important government
buildings and educational institutions. It is hosted everywhere on the
Independence Day and the victory day. It is kept half mast during the nations
mourning says. Our national flag always inspires us to dedicate our lives for
the greater interest of the country. We can uphold its honor by doing our duty
to the nation.
Life of a
Fisherman is ad person who lives by
catching and selling fishes. Out seas, rivers, lakes, hoots,
burls and canals are full of different kinds of fishes. The
fisherman catch fishes in these waters. A fisherman works hard all
day and all night. He is always busy in making his fishing bets repairing their
kin fishing in the he maintains his family with his poor income. Most of the
fishermen are poor. They have no fishing nets or boats of their own. They hire
these form others. They have to play a large portion of their income of this.
So they cannot overcome their poor condition. It is very difficult for a
fisherman alone to improve his condition. For this he can form
a co-operative society. Besides, the government may give those loans to
buy nets and boats. A fisherman contributes a lit towards the economy of the
country. They supply us with fishes. Besides, we earn a huge amount of foreign
currency by exporting fish.
A Rail Way
A railway station is a place
where trains stop and start from. Passengers get into the train and get
down from the train there. It has a platform for the passengers. In a
bag railway station, there is a shed over the platform but at a
booking-office and waiting rooms for men and women. There are restaurants, book
stall and stationary shops in it. A railway station is
always a crowded place. Passengers come to and go from there. People are found
in a line to buy tickets. That pushes one another to go ahead. When the train
arrives, the station becomes a noisy place, but when the train whistles away,
it becomes calm and punier. The flagman moves with red and green flags. The
hawkers shout, the vendors move, the green flags. The hawkers shout the vendors
move, the porters walk to and fro and the beggar brig singing religious chorus.
Thus railway station is a place of great noise.
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a curse of
modern civilization. It is now a global problem. Drug addiction has
grasped the young generation in our country. Frustration is the main cause of
this addiction. Again some take drugs as a pursuit of pleasure and later on it
turns into an addiction. The drugs are very expensive. In order
to arrange money, the addicts commit many kinds of social crimes like
stealing; hijacking looting, plundering etc. Drug addiction has
a terrible effect on human body. People addicted to drugs feel drowsy and lose
appetite. The poisonous effect of drugs may damage the brain and all internal
functions of the body. The addicts feel intensive pain in the body. The
treatment of the drug addicts is expensive and difficult. The drug problem has
become very acute in our county. Recently, Bangladesh is often used
as transit of transmission of drugs from one country to another by the
international drug smugglers. The remedy for drug addiction is
not very easy. All concerned must create awareness at personal and family
levels against the dangerous impact of drug addiction. Suppliers should be
punished strictly. When each and every person will be sincere to drive the
curse of drug addiction from the society, then we can get rid of it.
Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move or that can only move very slowly because there is so much traffic in the road. Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. it is one of the major problem of modern time. The cause of Traffic jam is many. Mainly our roads are not enough increased. The roads are all the same. There are many unlicensed vehicles which should be bought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. Overtaking tendency is also causes Traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes Traffic jam is so heavy that it blocks about half a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patient and the fire brigade vehicles. However this problem can be solve by adopting some measures. Spacious road should be constructed. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey them. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed. After doing all this we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.
Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move or that can only move very slowly because there is so much traffic in the road. Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. it is one of the major problem of modern time. The cause of Traffic jam is many. Mainly our roads are not enough increased. The roads are all the same. There are many unlicensed vehicles which should be bought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. Overtaking tendency is also causes Traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes Traffic jam is so heavy that it blocks about half a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patient and the fire brigade vehicles. However this problem can be solve by adopting some measures. Spacious road should be constructed. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey them. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed. After doing all this we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.
A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through it. The cow and other animals cannot come out. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing, and getting ready to go their workplace. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, date juice and many other foods. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.
A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through it. The cow and other animals cannot come out. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing, and getting ready to go their workplace. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, date juice and many other foods. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.
A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He carries his products on head or in hand and sometimes in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods in a cheaper rate and sills them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His customers are women and children. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children. He also brings ribbons, cloth, fruits, fancy goods and domestic uses for women and sells them at a good profit. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. A hawker also knows the time of his business. He comes when housemasters are out of home and when women are free from their household works and duties.
A village market is an important place to the villagers. The villagers buy and sell their daily goods in a village market. A village market generally sits in an open place of the village. Usually A village market is divided into three section-open place, temporary shops and permanent shops. Vegetable, milk, fruits, fish, curry and other things are sold in the open space. From the grocers people buy oil, salt, onion, garlic etc. in the permanent shops cloths, shoes, wheat, rice, flour, ghee and different stationary items are sold. A village market is very important to the villagers. The villagers sell their own products and buy their daily necessaries. It saves time and money of the villagers.
A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He carries his products on head or in hand and sometimes in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods in a cheaper rate and sills them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His customers are women and children. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children. He also brings ribbons, cloth, fruits, fancy goods and domestic uses for women and sells them at a good profit. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. A hawker also knows the time of his business. He comes when housemasters are out of home and when women are free from their household works and duties.
A village market is an important place to the villagers. The villagers buy and sell their daily goods in a village market. A village market generally sits in an open place of the village. Usually A village market is divided into three section-open place, temporary shops and permanent shops. Vegetable, milk, fruits, fish, curry and other things are sold in the open space. From the grocers people buy oil, salt, onion, garlic etc. in the permanent shops cloths, shoes, wheat, rice, flour, ghee and different stationary items are sold. A village market is very important to the villagers. The villagers sell their own products and buy their daily necessaries. It saves time and money of the villagers.
Book fair is an exhibition of books. Now a day’s book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest for books. All shorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books are displayed there. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair become crowd especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. The book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They are always at our side when we fall in danger. They change our outlook. We get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.
Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding occurs when production of power is less than demand and also unplanned distribution of power. It creates a serious problem in the economic development of a country. The running houses, mills, industries, hospitals all fall a victim to it. Domestic life becomes painful. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patient also suffers terribly for load shedding. The food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. Load shedding causes a great suffering to the people. In order to solve this problem we have to produce sufficient electricity. We should be conscious to using the electricity.
Book fair is an exhibition of books. Now a day’s book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest for books. All shorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books are displayed there. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair become crowd especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. The book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They are always at our side when we fall in danger. They change our outlook. We get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.
Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding occurs when production of power is less than demand and also unplanned distribution of power. It creates a serious problem in the economic development of a country. The running houses, mills, industries, hospitals all fall a victim to it. Domestic life becomes painful. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patient also suffers terribly for load shedding. The food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. Load shedding causes a great suffering to the people. In order to solve this problem we have to produce sufficient electricity. We should be conscious to using the electricity.
A tea stalls a common sight in our country. It is found in towns, cities, bazaars, railway station, bus stands even in village. It is a small shop. In a tea stall there are few chairs, tables or benches. Prepared tea is sold here. Biscuits, cakes, bananas are also sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve the tea. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea stall is a popular place. People of different ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk with one another. They talk about village politics, national and international politics, and current affairs. A tea stall is an important place for people.
Trees are very useful for men in various important ways. They provide us wood and many products. They give us shade. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us floods and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise of temperature. They give us oxygen. They prevent the rise of carbon dioxide worldwide. Tree gives us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save our house from cyclone. Trees protect us from the heat of sun. Many trees give us fruits. Tree helps to cause rain. Tree gives shelter to birds and animal. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
WATER pollution means the ways in which the water is polluted. Water is an important element for human environment. It is essential for human, plants and other life. Water can be polluted by many ways. Farmer use fertilizer and insecticide in their fields. The rain and flood wash away some of these. They get mixed with safe water. Mill and factories pollutes water by throwing their waste. Steamer, motor launch pollute water by throwing oil, food waste, human waste etc. unsanitary latrines also pollute water. Safe water is safe for us and polluted water is harmful. So we should be conscious to prevent this problem.
A tea stalls a common sight in our country. It is found in towns, cities, bazaars, railway station, bus stands even in village. It is a small shop. In a tea stall there are few chairs, tables or benches. Prepared tea is sold here. Biscuits, cakes, bananas are also sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve the tea. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea stall is a popular place. People of different ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk with one another. They talk about village politics, national and international politics, and current affairs. A tea stall is an important place for people.
Trees are very useful for men in various important ways. They provide us wood and many products. They give us shade. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us floods and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise of temperature. They give us oxygen. They prevent the rise of carbon dioxide worldwide. Tree gives us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save our house from cyclone. Trees protect us from the heat of sun. Many trees give us fruits. Tree helps to cause rain. Tree gives shelter to birds and animal. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
WATER pollution means the ways in which the water is polluted. Water is an important element for human environment. It is essential for human, plants and other life. Water can be polluted by many ways. Farmer use fertilizer and insecticide in their fields. The rain and flood wash away some of these. They get mixed with safe water. Mill and factories pollutes water by throwing their waste. Steamer, motor launch pollute water by throwing oil, food waste, human waste etc. unsanitary latrines also pollute water. Safe water is safe for us and polluted water is harmful. So we should be conscious to prevent this problem.
Lake Baikal
Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient
lakes of the world. It is situated almost in the centre of
Asia. Lake Baikal is a gigantic bowl set 445 meter above sea
level. The lake covers 31,500 square km. It is 636 km long and an average
of 48 km wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water
basin occupies 557000 square km. and contains 23000 cu. km. (cubic kilometer)
of water, which is about one fifth of the world's reserve fresh surface water.
The average water level in the lake is never higher than 456m. The
average depth of Lake Baikal is 730 m. and its maximum depth in
the middle is 1.620 m. There are hot springs in the surrounding area
of Lake Baikal. The quality of the water of these springs is
excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio-filter
producing this water. Baikal is a stormy lake. Autumn is the most stormy
time. The wind blows from various directions. The weather depends on the wind.
If it is blowing from the north, the weather is bright and sunny. The water
of the lake looks green and dark blue. But if the winds get stronger,
Baikal turns black, waves rising high with white crest. The beauty of Lake
Baikal is exceptional.
The international mother language day
The mother language day, which has been
declared to be observed internationally, is called the international mother
language day. The 21st February is our national mother language day. The then
Pakistani rulers conspired to impose Urdu on
the Bangladesh as national language instead of Bangla. “Urdu and
Urdu shall be the state language of Pakistan”-was their declaration. But our
heroic sons against their unlawful decision and shed a gulf of blood on the
21st February of 1952 to establish bangle as mother language. Since then this
day is being observed as the “Shahid Dibas” in our country. Now this day has
got recognition as the “international mother language day” by UNESCO. Every
year this day is observed with due honor and solemnity. Black badge are worn to
mourn the day. Meetings and seminars are held focusing on the high lights of
the day. Specially prayers are also held for the salvation of the
martyrs souls. The day is a public holiday.
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone Is A Wonderful Invention
Of Information Technology. It Is Such A Cordless Phone By While We Can
Communicate And Talk To Others In The Shortest Possible Time. Before Mobile
Phone Was Invented, Communication And Messaging See Stem Was Very Hard. But
Mobile Phone Has Now Lessened the Of the World. Everyone Can Vera It With Him
Because Of Its Small Size. Of, We Can Communicate With A Person And
Have Him at Once In A Crying Need By Means Of It. Thus, It Has Turned The World
Into A Globes Village. It Is A Pragmatic And Interesting Matter That Nowadays
Messaging And Interne System Have Been Included It In. All These Factors Have
Made It Popular Among The Users. Though It Was a Sing of Aristocracy in the
Past, NOW It is found in everyone’s Hand in out Country. Grameen Phone,
Citycell, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk And Airtel Provide Us With Mobile Phone
Services. However, Withal The Merits, A Mobile Phone Has Some Demerits
Too. Ti Is Injurious To Our Health. It Harms Our Brain When We Told through It.
The Excessive Use Of Mobile Phone Often Causes Fatal
Diseases Like Brain Tamer, Cancer Etc. So, We Should Be Conscious Of Using
It. But Yet, We Can Say That It Has Made Our Life Easeful And Moving. Though It
Ha Some Demerits, It Is Truly A Blessing for Outer Civilization.
The Necessity of Learning English
English Is and International Language.
No Nation Can Do Without It Today. A Pilot Or A Stewardess Know English.
Also A Person Woo Likes To Get A Job In A Foreign Office,
In A Post Office Or In A Big Hotel Must Know English. A Postman Must Read
Foreign Envelopes. A Telephone Operator Must Use English
to Make Calls To Other Countries. In An Airport A Pilot Or A Stewardess
Must Talk To Foreigners In English. A Foreign Office Connote Also
Function Without English Knowing People. Thus The Necessity Of Learning English
Connote Be Ignored In Any Way. So, Every One Of Us Should Learn English.
Our School Library
A Library Is A
Storehouse Of Knowledge. It Can Help A Man To Satisfy His Unquenchable Thirst
For Knowledge. A Library Is Part And Parcel of An Educational Institution.
Our School Has A Rich Library. It Is Housed In A Separate Building. Our School
Library Is Well-Decorated. There Awe Three Big Rooms in It. The Two
Rooms Are Reading Rooms. Boys and Girls Have Separate Rooms. In The Other Room
Books Are Arranged In Admiral. There Are About 5,000 Books In Our
Library. They Include Many Reference Books On Our Different Subjects. There Are
Some Rare Books On History And Culture In Our Library. Only the Students Can
Read and Borrow Books From the Library. For This They Are Issued Library Cards.
A Student Can Borrow Two Of Three Books At A Time And Keep Them At Home For A
Week. But In The Reading Room Hr Is Allowed To Read As Many Books As
He Can. It Remains Open From 9 A.M. except On Holidays. Our School
Library Is A Great Attraction For Us. We Are Really Proud our school library.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa, a dedicated soul for mankind was born on august
26, 1920 at Scopze in Macedonia. She was the third of her father's three children.
His father was an Albanian builder. At eighteen she decided to become a nun.
She joined the order of the sister's of our lady Loreto in Ireland. In
1928 she came to India and thereby she became an Indian citizen. Thus though
she was Albanian by chance, she became a Indian by choice. She started her life
in Kolkata as a teacher in Kolkata girls school in 1931, but soon the
mother in her, cried for the sufferings of the poor and the
down-trodden. By thir time Mother Teresa was moved to see the
epidemic that spread in the streets of Kolkata. She founded a home for the
poor named "Nirmal Hriday" at Kalighat which became the shelter of
the sufferers. She started an orphanage in 1953. In 1957 she and her
missionaries of charity began to work with the lepers.
Their activities have now been spread all over the world. In 1973 she
was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace. Mother Teresa died in
September 5, 1997.
She will be remembered for her Divine love for the children and the Dying Destitute.
She will be remembered for her Divine love for the children and the Dying Destitute.
A Tea Stall
tea stall is a small shop where tea and other things are sold for the
passers-by. It is a common place to all classes of people. It is usually found
at the turn of the road, bus stands, railway stations, bazar or even beside an
office where the common people are available. It opens early in the morning and
closes at late night. Biscuits, bread, bananas, betel leaf and different kinds
of handmade snacks are available there. A tea stall is furnished with some
benches and tables. A boy is employed in a tea stall to serve the people.
People who come to a tea stall usually do not leave it immediately after taking
a cup of tea. People refresh themselves with a cup of tea in a tea stall. A tea
stall is also a place where social disputes are settled. They mainly talk about
politics and current affairs. This is why it is called a Mini Sangsad. Intact,
tea stall is now –a-days an important place of social gathering and at the same
time a place of charm for the common people. So a tea stall occupies an
important place in our day-to-day life.
A Village Doctor
person who treats the poor villagers is a village doctor. He is a familiar and
prominent figure in the village. A village doctor gives treatment to the
village patients He has a
great demand in the village. He is generally a quack. He does not know much
about medicine. He works with a qualified doctor for a few years and receives
training under him. Then he sets up a dispensary in his own village. He opens
his dispensary early in the morning. He examines the patients in his own
dispensary and supplies them with medicine. He stands by the villagers in times
of danger. He goes out on a visit on private calls. He is an important man in
the village. He has got a high position in the rural society as he pays the
villagers a helpful service at any time. He is locally respected much. He
treats his patients with a nominal fee from the patients. He does not mind if
any one does not pay him .He is somewhat responsible for the health condition
of the villagers. Therefore, he should be trained more practically by the
government for the better treatment of the villagers.
fever is a kind of fatal disease caused by the biting of Aides mosquitoes. It
was first detected in Bangladesh in 1966. It is a virus-infested disease. There
are four stereotypes of dengue virus, such as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4.DEN-2
and DEN-3 are more serious. Dengue is one of the prime re-emerging diseases of
Bangladesh. Aides mosquitoes carry the virus of dengue fever. It breeds in
small pots, jars, dumps and discarded plastic containers and tyros. There are
two types of dengue fever. There are classical dengue fever and dengue
hemorrhagic fever. Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is fatal and it causes death with
bleeding. Dengue virus is originated from Africa. Now it is epidemic in most
tropical countries of Asia like India, Myanmar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines. It transmits the virus when it
sucks human blood. Its symptoms on patient become clear in four to six days.
Aides mosquitoes breeds stagnant but clear water of various pots. It lives on
blood and aides female mosquitoes cannot breed without blood. There is no
antidote of dengue virus. With an apprehension of severe outbreak of dengue
fever, people can be made aware of dengue. It will be easier to prevent the
School Magazine
school magazine is a kind of periodical publication, which contains the
writings and contributions the students and the teachers in a school. Every
school publishes a school magazine every year. At first, a committee is formed
for publishing the magazine. Then the committee asks the learners and the
teachers to send their writings. The editor then corrects the writings. They
select the publishable writings. The school magazine is generally open to all
teachers and famous person outside the school is allowed to write in it. It
also contains messages from the headmaster, assistant headmaster and the
chairman of the school managing committee. There are short stories, poems,
essays, verses, jokes, riddles and other writings related to studies, sports
and cultural activities of the school. It often contains album of photography.
A school magazine can play a vital role in improving the young learner’s habit
of reading and writing. It can develop the students’ interest in literature. It
stimulates their imagination and develops their creative powers. It is a mirror
of the school. It adds to the glory and honor of the school.
Street Beggar
man who begs alms in roads and streets is called street beggar. A street beggar
is a familiar figure in our country. He
is usually seen to beg standing by the roadside .He is a very poor man and
lives on begging. Usually he is physically deformed and thus lives on others
charity. He is seen always in rugged clothes and is dirty. He carries a bowl
with him. Whenever a street beggar sees a passer-by, he begs alms by spreading
the bowl towards the passer-by. If he gets any alms, he becomes happy and prays
for the person who has given him alms. All the streets beggar have their own
way of lie and mode of approaching for alms. He tries his best to draw the
sympathy of the passers-by with his peculiar voice. He often recites from the
holy Quran and tries to draw other’s attention. Sometimes he uses his tricks to
earn more. He leads a very deplorable life. He lives from hands to mouth. He
can not give good education to his children. He leads a life of sufferings and
pains. He is born unsung, remain unsung and die unsung. We should mercy by
giving alms to a street beggar who is unable to work and consequently fails to
maintain himself or his family.
A School Library
library is a building or room where huge numbers of books of various kinds are
kept for the readers who come to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. Newspapers
etc are kept for people to read, study or borrow. We have a large and spacious
library in our school. It is well furnished having a lot of tables and benches
to study. In our school library the books in our library are organized into
categories of classes and then arranged alphabetically within this class. Each
category is assigned its own special number within that numbers and every book
in the category is assigned its own special number within that number range.
The textbooks and reference books the students can make note sitting in the
peaceful and quite atmosphere of the library. They can also take the reference
book in their home being the member of the library. I think our school, library
helps us a lot to acquire knowledge vastly and to broaden our outlook. So it is
our duty to go to the library regularly.
A Winter Morning
winter morning is a time when it falls cold and gets biting cold. This morning
is very beneficial to the protection and preservation of man’s health. The
mists gather in drops upon the leaves of trees or the blades of grass. They
look like pearls as they glitter in the rays of the morning sun. A winter
morning is sometimes heinous to the poor, as they have nothing to wear for
protecting biting cold. Winter morning is a curse for old and poor people and
they are obedient to bask in the sun in this morning. A winter morning presents
us different sights of including basking, getting sunlight to warm body and
what not. Village children hardly have warm clothes. So they make fire with
straw, sit around and enjoy the heat. Apart from this, a winter morning
presents us sweet, juice of the date, fresh vegetables and fresh natural foods.
People who have morning work get up early in the morning, as they are
interested to enjoy morning best on the bed in the lap of warm cloths and
wrapper. Really the diversity that we observe in the winter morning sometimes
stirs us or sometimes elates us.
A Railway Station
railway station is place where trains stop for the passengers to get into and
get off from the train. It is a busy place. It becomes very busy because of the
arrival of trains. Here the passengers are found to stand in a queue to collect
their tickets in front of the ticket counter. A big station is always crowded
with passengers, hawkers, and posters. There are bookstalls, book-sellers and
waiting rooms in such a stations. Vendors shout their trade cries. When a train
reaches at the station, the passengers hurry to get off from the train. At the
same time passengers waiting for the train want to get into the train. As a
result, a collision of two groups of passengers takes place. The whistling
sound of the departing train creates a situation of vacuum in the minds of the
passengers. When the train leaves the station, it becomes deserted and buzzing
sound of the passengers ends. A railway station is often a den for the
anti-social elements. It is a suitable place for the beggars to carry on their
trade. It is an unhygienic place too. The authority should look into it.
Farmer/ The life of a farmer
farmer is a man who leads his family by working hard in the agricultural farms
or cultivating lands. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So farmers are the
backbone of the country. He is most common figure in our country. Basically he
is the main force of economy. He is called the father of food production. But
they are devaluated. Without his role our country cannot go ahead. The farmers
live in the village. Some farmers have their own lands. But some others are
landless. They cultivate the land of others. They have to work hard from
morning till night even in sun and rain to earn their livelihood. He works in
the field all day long and procedures different kinds of crops. The economic
condition of a farmer is miserable. Although he works hard, he does not get
enough crops to eat. He lives a very low-standard life. He lives in the
thatched houses. When a farmer produces good harvest, he enjoys a happy life with
his family .His face beams with joy. But when he cannot produce good harvest,
he enjoys a miserable life He has to starve sometimes. He even cannot get
minimum medical care. Due to his illiteracy, he suffers from various diseases.
The joys of a farmer know no bound when he gets bumpers crops. To enlighten him
with the modern ideas. Adult education programme for the illiterate farmers can
be introduced in the Radio and television.
A Rainy Day
rainy day is a day when it rains ceaselessly all day long during the rainy
season. It is called a drizzling day. The sky is overcast with patches of black
clouds and the sun remains hidden behind them. The weather is foul. The sun is
not seen. Sometimes, gusty wind blows with rain. Rivers, canals and tanks swell
up. Roads and paths get muddy and slippery. Water stands here and there. Normal
life is disrupted due to heavy rain. One does not generally come out without
compulsion. The common people cannot attend their respective places in time. If
anybody wants to go outside, he has to take an umbrella with him. The poor and
the day laborers do not like a rainy day. They cannot go out to earn their
living. Their suffering know no bounds. They go on starving. A rainy day is
most welcomed to the students, as they have no classes in the school. A rainy
day brings joyous mood to the young boys of the same age and they are seen to
bathe in rainwater with merriment. People pass the boy in listening to music,
watching videocassettes, reading novels. Those who have imaginary bent of mind
enjoy the beauty of nature being drenched in rains. The cloudy sky lets loose
their emotions. A rainy day has good effect on the soil. It helps plants grow,
flowers bloom and nature looks fresh and beautiful. However, a rainy day is
welcomed after the baking heat of summer.
May day /A Mournful Day
day refers to a sad incident that took place in the month of May in 1886 in the
American city of Chicago. May day means first May of the year, which is
recognized as the international workers who laid down their lives for the
interest of the workers in Chicago in May 1886. The history is that during
those days the working people were suffering from over work. From the beginning
of the industrial Revolution people in factories have worked very long, shifts
lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. They could not protest for
fear of losing job. However, they protested against the injustice done to them.
And on May 3,1886 police fired into a protestant crowed in Chicago. The street
of Chicago were smeared with the warm blood of workers. Many people were
injured and one died. All
the privilege workers enjoy to day such as a minimum wage, safety laws and
eight-hours workday were the outcome of the sacrifices of the workers on
May3,1886. These are the rights they have achieved by their struggle. This day
reminds the working class people that the workers will continue to be exploited
until they stand up and speak and speak out to gain much better working
condition, better pay and standard of life. On this day the working classes of
the world become united irrespective of castes, creeds and nationalities. This
is the glory as well as sorrow. So black flags are flown atop the offices and
black badges are worn by the workers to symbolize their heartfelt grief for
their fellow workers. Thus May Day has been a symbol of unity for the workers
all over the world.
The Green House
house effect means gradual warming of the earth’s atmosphere. If the
concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere continues to increase at
the present rate then the green house effect rises in the earth. The global
warming is caused by the accumulation of certain gases, the carbon di-oxide,
CFC Methane and Nitric Acid around the world. The presence of these gases to a
large degree is making the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere thinner day by
day. At this, the ultra violet ray of the sun can easily penetrate the
atmosphere of the earth. The increasing numbers of engine vehicles are
increasing Carbon di oxide gas, which is making hole in the Ozone Layer. There
will be a dramatic change in the climate and topography of the earth. This will
reduce our ability to grow food and severely damage wild life, raise sea levels
and thereby submerge the costal areas. There will be drought through out the
world. Many creatures will be on the verge of extinction. Modern science is
helping us to keep peace with congenial atmosphere. We must follow the
guidelines to create better environment and save life on this beautiful planet.
A visit to a palace of historical
is not satisfied with what he has seen and known. A visit to a place of
historical interest is really interesting and attractive. Dhaka is a place of
historical interest. If the visit takes place on any place of historical
importance, it becomes really an enjoyable one with educative value. During the
last summer vacation I, along with some of my friends, decided to go to savar
to see the National Memorial. Accordingly we fixed a date and started our journey
from Gabtali to savar at 10 p.m. by bus. We reached savar, near National
Memorial just after 45 minute. Actually the National Memorial at savar is the
symbol of the nation’s respect
for the martyrs of the war of liberation. It contains the history of our
independence. It is built with concrete, but made of blood. It stands 150 feet
tall, but every martyr it stands for stands so much taller. There is actually a
series of 7 towers that rise by stages to a height of 150 feet. The foundation
was laid on the first anniversary of the victory day. Reaching there we felt a
great respect to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their valuable lives for
us. We took some snaps taking the view of the memorial. However, we visited the
place and the surrounding area for about an hour. The most moving sight of the
complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters just close to
the tower. However, we left the place paying our glowing tribute to the freedom
fighters. Through this visit we experienced a lot.
Dangers of smoking
Smoking, a bad habit is
dangerous for health. A person who smoker cigarette endanger his life. Many
deadly diseases like bronchitis, cancer, chronic, heart attack etc. May be
caused by smoking. Smoking tobacco products is a major health hazard.
Benzedrine, arsenic and tobacco tar cause cancer in human beings. Nicotine
a toxic element is found is cigarette and is abstracts the flow of
alone through veins and oxygen in the body. Persons who addicted to smoking
lord their appetite for good and energy for power. Yes, one of my friends is a
accustomed to smoking. He started smoking when he was twelve or thirteen years
old. Them he became again smoker day by day. I an a noon-smoker. I tried to
divert him from this bad habit. Sometimes, i heard to him the dangers of
smoking. Although he was at first unwilling to give up smoking, he finally
realized what he was doing. He promised to of that he would give up this bad
habit. At last, he became successful to give up smoking. We should be watchful
of the smoking. The both smoking drive should banned in the public buildings,
Bus stops, rail station, workplaces, hotel and restaurants and
in the public.
Globalization is, basically, a
process of expanding trade and commerce all over the
world by creating a border less market. However, it is
creating more opportunities for capitalist countries rather than for
the developing ones. In the name of help and co-operation,
the industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting
the cheap labor available in poor countries. This is the
common fear about the adverse effects of globalization in
the countries like ours. But, the fear is not quite justified
because globalization has also a far-reaching effect on many aspects
of life. With the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid
transportation facilities the world has come closer.
We can share our joys and sorrows like next door neighbors. Globalization also brings all types of different customs and behavior into our homes through satellite television channels and the Internet.
Now, we can enrich our local culture through constant interaction of different cultures. But, along with this, the cultural assault can also be resisted by the strength of our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitude.
We can share our joys and sorrows like next door neighbors. Globalization also brings all types of different customs and behavior into our homes through satellite television channels and the Internet.
Now, we can enrich our local culture through constant interaction of different cultures. But, along with this, the cultural assault can also be resisted by the strength of our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitude.
Our School Common Room
A common room is a part and
parcel of a School. It Is The Center Of Amusement And Recreation. The Student
Fund Immense-Pleasure When They Come Into It After Feeling Bored In
the Classes. Our School Has A Big Common Room. It Is In The Ground
Floor Of The School. It Is Well-Ventilated. It Faces To The South. There Are
Three Doors And Six Windows In The Common Room. The Room Is
Well-Furnished. There Are Desks, Chairs And Tables In The Room.
Dailies, Weeklies Monthlies And Other Magazines Are Kept Ready On The
Tables. We Read Them In The Leisure Period And Learn Many Things. Besides,
There Are Various Articles Of Indoor Games Like Carom-Boards, Table Tennis, and
Chess Etc. There Are Four Sets Of Carom-Boards And Two The Table Tennis Boards.
There Is A Clout T.V. And A Radio Set At The Westside Of
The Common Room. This Is Also A Place Of Hot Political Discussion.
Some Students Gossip here. But Smoking Is Forbidder here. So Our
School common Room Is a Great Attraction For Us. Without It We Cannot
Think Of Our School.
Your First day
at school
(‡Zvgvi ¯‹z‡ji cÖ_g
My First day at
school is a memorable day in my life. I was very nervous when I was going to my
new school. I went to my new school with my father. At first I met the head
teacher of the school. He was serious but kind man. He told me that I would
enjoy the school because it is a friendly place. I was a little bit nervous. I
met a lot of students in the new class. At first I was unknown to them. I
talked to them gently. I had a busy day. This is how I passed my first day at
my new school. I wrote some names of the students in my diary. The day was
really an enjoyable day to me
My Mother/My grandmother
(Avgvi gv/`v`x gv)
The person whom
I pride on is my mother. My mother name is------ .She is a gift of Allah. She
is about --- years old. She is well educated and well behaved. She loves all of
our family members. She says five times Prayer everyday. She also inspires us
to say five times prayer. She takes special care if any of our family members
is ill. she always wears simple dress. She leads a very simple life. She is
very honest , kind , truthful ,helpful , sociable and open minded .She is very
kind the poor .She tries heart and soul to solve their problems gardening and reading story books are her favourite hobbies . Her personality is
a model before me. I like her for her dutifulness .She is dearest to me .Her
heart always yearns for me I have been grown up under her care and affection.
Her joy knows no bounds when she finds me happy .Everyday she teaches me when
she finds time. So I am very proud of my mother.
My Parents (Avgvi wcZvgvZv)
The persons
whom I pride on are my parents. My parents are heaven(¯^M©) to me. No one is comparable with them.
We owe much to our parents for our birth(Rb¥), growing up(eo n‡q DVv)and socialization(mvgvwRKi‡bi). (evevi bvg and(gv‡qi bvg)are my parents.
(Dc‡ii Aby‡”Q‡`i
cÖ_g jvBbwU ev` w`‡q m¤ú~Y© Ask GLv‡b
wjL‡Z n‡e Z‡e evev Gi †¶‡Î Person
cweeZ©b K‡i He wjL‡Z n‡e|)
I love and obey
my parents. They are my well wisher and best friend. I am proud of having such
sweet parents.
School Library (we`¨vjq MÖš’vMvi)
A School
library is a part and parcel of a school. It is very essential for both the
students and the teachers. Our school has a big library. It
is located beside the office room. There some benches in the library. The
students sit on them and read books. There is chair and table for the
librarian. There are many almirahs in the library. There are so many books in
it. There are novels, ghost books, reference books, storybooks text etc. All
the books are well arranged. Both the teachers and the students read books in
the library. The students are allowed to read books for a week. The library is
our leisure companion. It helps to widen our knowledge. A school library plays
a vital role in spreading the light of education. I feel proud of my school
library because it contains a good number of books on various subjects.
Tree Plantation
Tree plantation
means (ej‡Z eySvq) planting more and more trees. It is
essential (`iKvix) for our existence (Aw¯ÍZ¡). We cut down trees to get timber (Kv‡Vi ¸wo) and firewood(R¡vjvbx KvV). We also use trees as our housing
material. Cutting of too many trees leads the world to desert(gi“f~wg). It is a responsible (`vqx) for greenhouse effect. Birds and
animals are losing their habitats (Avevm ¯’j). There will be no ecological balance
.We cannot live without oxygen. We get vitamins from the fruits of tree. The
tree helps to keep the environment balanced. It prevents (cÖwZ‡iva) air pollution by taking carbon-die
oxide. It saves (i¶v) the world from turning (cwiYZ K‡i) into desert. It brings about rainfall.
It helps agricultural production. It saves soil from erosion. It keeps the soil
strong. It saves the houses from breaking on the river. It is a great source of
medicine for us. Everybody should plant trees. More and more trees should be
planted on both sides of roads. Tree plantation campaign should be continued
everywhere. Public awareness is essential to make the campaign successful. The
more we plant trees, the more we good for us.
A Birthday Party /A Weeding ceneremomey/A
Prize Giving ceremony
/A Cultural
programme I enjoyed/A Freshers’ Reception programme
(N‡ivqv cwi‡e‡k †Kvb mvgvwRK Abyôvb ev
Drme D`hvcb wb‡q Aby‡”Q`)
Ceremony is
matter of joy and enjoyment. Last month I enjoyed a (--) . The arrangement of
the Programmed was so attractive that I will never forget it. Many guests were
invited in the programme. The invited guests were received with flowers. The
preparations of the programme started from sunrise. The place was decorated
nicely with colorful papers and balloons. The pandal is illuminated with multi
colored electric blubs. A nice gate was built at the entrance of the pandal.
All the people looked very busy at the programme. Some photographs were taken.
At the end of the programme, delicious foods were served. I am Lucky to have
such an event in my life. Such a day will remain ever fresh in my heart.
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