Deforestation means cutting down trees in large numbers. Due
to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world
is becoming warder. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world are
gong to be engulfed by the sea in recent future. Trees are useful to us in
various ways. They provide us with wood, food and other products, they give us
shade and they help to prevent drought and floods. To draw quick profit from
trees, men cut them down in large numbers. Trees are destroyed mostly for being
used as fire wood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads
to soil erosion and deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss.
We should create awareness among the general people about the evils of
destroying forests and motivate them to plant more and more trees. Otherwise
the forests of our country will slowly disappear and we will be in great
miseries. We can take many measures to prevent deforestation. Tree plantation
programmed should be ex pended to the remote corner of the country. The
government should make TV and radio programmed on the subject of the danger of
deforestation. So, we have to realize the bad effects of deforestation. In
fact, if deforestation goes on our country will be changed into a desert. So,
we have to educate our common people and to persuade them to abstain from
cutting down trees.
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